jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Zoonotic Infections | Browse by Subject | Stories & Features | NCEZID | CDC

Zoonotic Infections | Browse by Subject | Stories & Features | NCEZID | CDC
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting People

Zoonotic Infections

Spread between Animals and People
Infectious diseases can be found everywhere, and NCEZID is engaged in preventing, tracking, detecting, and responding to outbreaks of infectious disease throughout the United States and the world. The links below reference stories and updates about our work from 2011 to the present to protect people from the threat of zoonotic infections spread by ticks, mosquitoes, or fleas or by contact with animals. Zoonotic infections cause diseases like Lyme and rabies.

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 A painting showing a hand being bitten by an insect, a monkey, fruit, a bat hanging upside down, a flower and a bird eating another piece of fruit. All of these are connected by a tree branch in the shape of a circle.Overview of NCEZID's work on zoonotic diseases
Stories that spotlight specific zoonotic diseases
Vector-borne diseases
Highly pathogenic organisms

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