Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
YRBSS Methods
- Methodology of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System [PDF - 420 KB]
MMWR 2013;66(RR-01):1-20. - Software for Analysis of YRBS Data[PDF - 389 KB]A review of software packages suitable for analyzing YRBS data and guidance on how to use them
- Combining YRBS Data Across Years and Sites[PDF - 226 KB]Guidance and best practices for combining data from multiple Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBSs)
- Conducting Trend Analyses of YRBS Data[PDF - 235 KB]Guidance and methods for conducting trend analyses of Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
- Interpretation of YRBS Trend Data[PDF - 228 KB]Guidance on interpreting YRBS trend data analyses
- How to Analyze YRBS Sexual Minority Data[PDF - 143 KB]Guidance and best practices for analyzing data from the sexual identity and sex of sexual contacts questions.
- A Guide to Conducting Your Own Youth Risk Behavior Survey[PDF - 271 KB]Information useful to communities and groups that plan to conduct their YRBS survey
- Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions asked about the YRBSS, including results, questionnaire content, validity and reliability, methods, and using the data files
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