miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016

Skin Care and Repair - Harvard Health

Skin Care and Repair - Harvard Health

Harvard Medical School

Summer sun advisory

How to choose and use sunscreen

For the longest time, sunscreen labels used terms like “sunblock” and “waterproof” that made you believe the products could block out the sun or stay on your skin no matter how wet and sweaty you got. But the truth is that no sunscreen can do either. That’s why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration now requires sunscreens to have labels with more useful information and fewer misleading terms. Instead of “sunblock,” look for a sunscreen with “broad spectrum.” In place of “waterproof” sunscreen, look for “water-resistant” on the label.

Get your copy of Skin Care and Repair

Product Page - Skin Care and Repair
New information on treatments for both medical skin conditions and cosmetic problems is available in this Special Health Report on Skin Care and Repair.This report describes scientifically approved treatments for common medical conditions from acne to rosacea, as well as the newest cosmetic procedures for lines, wrinkles, age spots, and other problems. An explanation of the ingredients in popular skin lotions and cosmeceuticals is also included.

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Choosing the right sunglasses

It’s hard to avoid the sun, but it is easy to protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses. Sunglasses need not bear a designer label or cost hundreds of dollars to do their job properly. Before you invest in a new pair, make sure you understand the purpose of the glasses and the type of protection they provide.

Product Page - Skin Care and Repair

Skin Care and Repair

Featured content:

What is skin?
Skin and the aging process
Common skin conditions
Skin cancer
SPECIAL SECTION: Protecting your skin
• ... and more!

Click here to read more »

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