martes, 26 de abril de 2016

Fogarty International Center

Fogarty International Center

Funding news for global health researchers and partners from Fogarty at NIH

In India, a man drinks from a cup at a public outdoor drinking water station in the shade on a street corner

On behalf of the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), the following funding opportunities, notices and announcements may be of interest to those working in the field of global health research. Updates are typically distributed once a week.

Funding Opportunities

NIH funding opportunities focusing on global health and foreign collaboration.
  • For applicants interested in the Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Dissemination and Implementation Research in HealthR01R21 and R03, an information applicant webinar will take place on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 3 pm EDT. Please register to participate.
NIH funding opportunities for which foreign organizations, foreign components of U.S. organizations and/or other foreign components may apply.
  • Understanding HIV Rebound (P01) (RFA-AI-16-028)
    Application Receipt Date(s): July 29, 2016
  • Improving Smoking Cessation in Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Populations via Scalable Interventions (R21) (PAR-16-201) and (R01) (PAR-16-202) 
    Application Receipt/Submission Date(s): October 11, 2016; June 13, 2017; October 11, 2017
  • Investigator-Initiated Clinical Sequencing Research (R01) (PAR-16-209)
    Application Receipt/Submission Date(s): October 20, 2016
  • Leveraging Cognitive Neuroscience to Improve Assessment of Cancer Treatment Related Cognitive Impairment (R01) (PAR-16-212) and (R21) (PAR-16-213) 
    Application Receipt/Submission Date(s): October 13, 2016; April 11, 2017; October 10, 2017 and more
  • Program for Extramural/Intramural Alcohol Research Collaborations (U01) (PAR-16-214) 
    Application Receipt/Submission Date(s): Standard dates apply
  • NIDCD Research Dissertation Fellowship for Au.D. Audiologists (F32) (PAR-16-210) 
    Application Receipt/Submission Date(s): Standard dates apply
    Note: An individual may request support for training abroad.
NIH funding opportunities for which United States small business concerns (SBCs) may collaborate with a foreign business entity.
Information related to opportunities from other organizations focusing on global health and foreign collaboration.
  • The Global Forum on Bioethics in Research (GFBR) will hold the meetingEthics of Research in Pregnancy November 3 - 4, 2016 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Successful applicants from low- and middle-income countries who require full funding will receive an award to cover travel, accommodation and a visa.
    Deadline for case studies submissions and applications for participants: May 22, 2016.

Funding News

NIH funding news that may be relevant to global health researchers.
  • Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Research on Disparities in Surgical Care and Outcomes (R01) (NOT-MD-16-005) and (R21) (NOT-MD-16-006)
  • Notice of Change in Key Dates for PAR-16-176 "NCI Clinical and Translational Exploratory/Developmental Studies (R21)" (NOT-CA-16-037)

Upcoming Deadlines

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