sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

7 Things Pregnant Women and Parents Need to Know About Arsenic in Rice and Rice Cereal

Office of Women's Health, FDA
April 2016

7 Things Pregnant Women and Parents Need to Know About Arsenic in Rice and Rice Cereal

You may be surprised to learn that there is arsenic in rice. In fact, rice is not the only food or beverage that contains arsenic. It’s also found in vegetables, fruits, and many other foods. The FDA has been monitoring the presence of arsenic in food as part of its ongoing oversight of the safety of the food supply. 
Today, the FDA is taking steps to reduce inorganic arsenic in infant rice cereal, a leading source of arsenic exposure in infants, following extensive testing of rice and non-rice products and a new scientific assessment. Research suggests that inorganic arsenic exposure may lead to developmental issues in children and adverse pregnancy outcomes.
The FDA continues to advise all consumers to eat a well-balanced diet for good nutrition and to minimize potential adverse consequences from consuming an excess of any one food. The agency is not advising the general population of consumers to change their current rice consumption patterns based on the presence of arsenic, but is providing targeted information for pregnant women and infants to help reduce exposure.

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