New Technology Assessment: Systematic Review for Effectiveness of Hyaluronic Acid in the Treatment of Severe Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) of the Knee
Evidence Reports
Evidence-Based Practice Center (EPC) reports are used for informing and developing coverage decisions, quality measures, educational materials and tools, guidelines, and research agendas. For more information on EPCs including a list of archived reports, visit the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Web site. 
208. Closing the Quality Gap: Revisiting the State of the Science Series
- The Patient-centered Medical Home
- Quality Improvement Interventions to Address Health Disparities
- Bundled Payment: Effects on Health Care Spending and Quality
- Public Reporting as a Quality Improvement Strategy
- Medication Adherence Interventions: Comparative Effectiveness
- Quality Improvement Measurement of Outcomes for People With Disabilities
- Improving Health Care and Palliative Care for Advanced and Serious Illness
163. Carbohydrate and Lipid Disorders and Relevant Considerations in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury 
- Volume 1: Application of Systematic Review Methodology to the Field of Nutrition
- Volume 2: Issues and Challenges in Conducting Systematic Reviews to Support Development of Nutrient Reference Values: Workshop Summary
- Volume 3: Reporting of Systematic Reviews of Micronutrients and Health: A Critical Appraisal
- Volume 4: Effects of Eicosapentanoic Acid and Docosahexanoic Acid on Mortality Across Diverse Settings: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials and Prospective Cohorts
- Volume 5: Comparison of Translational Patterns in Two Nutrient–Disease Associations
- Volume 6: Concordance Between the Findings of Epidemiological Studies and Randomized Trials in Nutrition: An Empirical Evaluation and Analysis
9. Closing the Quality Gap:
- Volume 1: A Critical Analysis of Quality Improvement Strategies
- Volume 2: Diabetes Mellitus Care
- Volume 3: Hypertension Care
- Volume 4: Antibiotic Prescribing Behavior
- Volume 5: Asthma Care
- Volume 6: Healthcare-Associated Infections
- Volume 7: Care Coordination
The technology assessment program at AHRQ provides technology assessments for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These technology assessments are used by CMS to inform its national coverage decisions for the Medicare program as well as provide information to Medicare carriers. For a list of archived reports from 1990-2010, see the AHRQ Web site
- Systematic Review for Effectiveness of Hyaluronic Acid in the Treatment of Severe Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) of the Knee
- Catheter Ablation for Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation
- Cognitive Outcomes After Cardiovascular Procedures in Older Adults: A Systematic Review
- Pain Management Injection Therapies for Low Back Pain
- Use of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in the Medicare Population
- Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Technologies For Chronic Wound Care in the Home Setting
- Technology Assessment of Molecular Pathology Testing for the Estimation of Prognosis for Common Cancers
- Assessment on Implantable Defibrillators and the Evidence for Primary Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death
- Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) or Other In Situ Hybridization (ISH) Testing of Uterine Cervical Cells to Predict Precancer and Cancer
- Skin Substitutes for Treating Chronic Wounds
- Technology Assessment on Genetic Testing or Molecular Pathology Testing of Cancers with Unknown Primary Site to Determine Origin
- Update on Emerging Genetic Tests Currently Available for Clinical Use in Common Cancers
- The Impact of Pre-Transplant Red Blood Cell Transfusions in Renal Allograft Rejection
- Management of Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis
- Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life for Patients With Diabetic Retinopathy
- Systematic Review of Decision Tools and their Suitability for Patient-Centered Decisionmaking regarding Electronic Cardiac Devices
- Systematic Review of ECG-based Signal Analysis Technologies for Evaluating Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Update on Mapping the Landscape of Genetic Tests for Non-Cancer Diseases/Conditions
- Effectiveness of Cochlear Implants in Adults with Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- Health Risk Appraisal
- Lifestyle Interventions for Four Conditions: Type 2 Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Breast Cancer, and Prostate Cancer
- Outcomes of Sipuleucel-T Therapy
- Update on Horizon Scans of Genetic Tests Currently Available for Clinical Use in Cancers
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