sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015

Partnerships to Prevent Youth Violence | Features | CDC

Partnerships to Prevent Youth Violence | Features | CDC

CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC 24/7: Saving Lives. Protecting People.

Partnerships to Prevent Youth Violence

Group of teens sits smiling in bleachers

Youth violence is a significant public health problem that causes considerable harm to young people, families, and communities. Learn about CDC's work leveraging partnerships across jurisdictions through the STRYVE Action Council, a multi-sector group of organizations with the common objective of mobilizing and sustaining actions that prevent youth violence before it starts.

Why Youth Violence?

Youth violence is a leading cause of death and injuries. Twelve young people are victims of homicide every day, and homicide is the third leading cause of death for youth aged 10-24 years. Its damage extends beyond young victims to harm the physical, mental, and economic health of all community residents.

Why Partnerships?

Youth violence is neither inevitable nor unavoidable. Evidence from research and practice shows that we can prevent youth violence. However, the public health sector cannot succeed alone. Multi-sector partnerships across jurisdictions are critical to implementing the comprehensive approaches needed to prevent youth violence.
For the past two decades, CDC has provided scientific and programmatic expertise to help communities prevent youth violence. Most recently, CDC's youth violence prevention strategy has focused on research investments to build evidence, such as the National Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention, funding local health departments through the Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere (STRYVE) program, and translating science into actionable resources for communities through STRYVE Online. CDC formed the STRYVE Action Council in 2010 after recognizing the need to leverage the expertise, resources, and influence of partners inside and outside public health to advance its work in communities.
Logo: STRYVE - Striving To Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere

STRYVE Action Council

The STRYVE Action Council is a multi-sector consortium of organizations that works at the national level to advance youth violence prevention efforts in states and communities. Current Action Council members represent the public health, education, law enforcement, youth-serving, and social service sectors. CDC recruited Action Council members based on their sector, interest in youth violence prevention, and presence at the national, state, and local levels.
The Action Council's work in support of state and local efforts includes:
  1. Raising awareness that youth violence is a preventable public health issue by disseminating messages through their extensive networks
  2. Expanding the network of national, state, and local organizations that are involved in, and champions for, youth violence prevention
  3. Informing national, state, and local policy that advances youth violence prevention strategies
CDC leads and administers the STRYVE Action Council with support from the Safe States Alliance. Safe States organizations provide voluntary, in-kind support to the STRYVE Action Council whose activities are driven by a 2-year action plan developed in 2014. The Action Council accomplishes its work through small workgroups that are co-led by CDC, Safe States, and Action Council members. The council meets quarterly, including one in-person meeting per year to share progress, provide organizational updates, and to engage in strategic discussions around advancing youth violence prevention in the United States.
Since tracking began in April 2014, Action Council members have collectively disseminated more than 1,000 youth violence prevention messages using social media. Additionally, the Action Council network alone represents more than 1,000 affiliate organizations and chapters that are positioned to champion youth violence prevention. And, the Action Council has developed several resources that clarify the current policy environment and federal investments in youth violence prevention.
For more information about the STRYVE Action Council, please contact Nadine Doyle at hvx8@cdc.gov, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention.

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