miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2019

Shoulder pain: Causes, treatment, and self-care

Shoulder pain: Causes, treatment, and self-care

MNT home

Bones / Orthopedics
What can cause shoulder pain?
The shoulder is a complex and flexible joint, making it vulnerable to damage. Common causes of shoulder pain include injuries, general wear and tear, and inflammatory conditions. A person can often treat mild shoulder pain at home, but those with severe pain or serious injuries should see a doctor. Learn more here.
What to know about fish roe
Tobiko, masago, ikura, and caviar are types of fish roe, or the eggs of a fish. They are all similar but have some nutritional differences. They can all form part of a healthful diet. Learn more about tobiko, masago, ikura, and caviar here.

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