miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2019

3 Resources About Food Allergies

3 Resources About Food Allergies

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

May Is Food Allergy Awareness Month

Food Allergy

Food allergies are a growing food safety issue. One in thirteen children have food allergies, and one in twenty-five adults have food allergies.

Going Out to Eat with Food Allergies

Food Allergy Blog Family
Dining out can be difficult for people with food allergies because they must rely on restaurant staff to properly prepare their allergen-free meals.

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Read Our Studies on Food Allergies and Restaurants

Understanding how restaurants address food allergies can help to reduce the risk of food allergic reactions in restaurants.

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Download Posters for Restaurant Staff and Managers

Rhode Island Department of Health Food Allergy Poster Food Allergies: What you need to know
The Rhode Island Department of Health, a partner in our Environmental Health Specialist Network, designed these two posters for restaurant staff and managers.

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