miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2018

Health News and Information - News Medical - Allergy - May 15, 2018 Edition

Health News and Information - News Medical

 May 15, 2018 
 The latest Allergy news from News Medical 
 Seasonal allergy symptoms can be misunderstood for learning disabilities in young childrenSeasonal allergy symptoms can be misunderstood for learning disabilities in young children
Seasonal allergies can be a nuisance for children as well as adults. And in some young children, the symptoms of seasonal allergies can be mistaken for inattentiveness or learning disabilities.
   When Should an Adrenaline Auto-Injector be Used?When Should an Adrenaline Auto-Injector be Used?
An adrenaline auto-injector is an emergency treatment for anaphylaxis; serious and potentially fatal allergic reaction to insect stings, medicines, or food, among others.
   Cow’s Milk Allergy ManagementCow’s Milk Allergy Management
Research estimates that cow’s milk allergies occur in about 7.5% of all infants, with 5% to 10% of affected infants showing adverse reactions to proteins in cow’s milk.
 New test developed for accurate and safe diagnosis of peanut allergies
New test developed for accurate and safe diagnosis of peanut allergiesResearchers from the School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences and the Medical Research Council have developed a new test to diagnose peanut allergy.
 Poison ivy and poison oak can cause mild to severe allergic reactions
Poison ivy and poison oak can cause mild to severe allergic reactionsApril showers might bring May flowers, but they also bring the arrival of troublesome plants such as poison ivy and poison oak that can cause mild to severe allergic reactions.
 Asthma and the Hygiene Hypothesis
Asthma and the Hygiene HypothesisThe hygiene hypothesis proposes that a lack of exposure to microbial organisms (microbes, or “germs”) in a child’s early years contributes to the development of asthma and allergic diseases.
 Breastfeeding and Allergies
Breastfeeding and AllergiesSome babies may be sensitive to certain foods like milk and dairy products. These babies may not be allergic to their mother’s milk but may be allergic to the proteins that she passes in the breast milk after consumption of dairy products like cheese etc.

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