sábado, 2 de septiembre de 2017

A consensus on liquid biopsy from the 2016 Chinese Lung Cancer Summit expert panel. - PubMed - NCBI

A consensus on liquid biopsy from the 2016 Chinese Lung Cancer Summit expert panel. - PubMed - NCBI

 2017 Apr 4;2(Suppl 1):e000174. doi: 10.1136/esmoopen-2017-000174. eCollection 2017.

A consensus on liquid biopsy from the 2016 Chinese Lung Cancer Summit expert panel.

Wu YL1Wang CL2Sun Y3Liao ML4Guan ZZ5Yang ZM6Zhou QH7Lu S4Cheng Y8Liu XQ9Zhang XC1Zhou C10Wang J11Zhou Q1Song Y12Han BH13Ma ZY14Yang F15Wang Q16Chuai SK17Shao Y18,19He W20Zhu G21Xiong L22Wang JJ23Chen KN24Zhang L5Mao WM25Ma SL26Feng JF27Yang XN1Xu L28Chen G1Zhao J29Song QB30Shen-Tu Y4Qiao GB31Yu D32Yu SY33Hu Y34Chen M35Chen GY36Fan Y37Zhang HL38Liang J11Zhu GY39Cui JW40Yang JJ1Zhao Q41Zhao MF42Lu Y43Chang JH44Li JL11Yang Y45Hu J46Gu CD47Zhang YC1Zhong WZ1.


The diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer have evolved into the era of precision medicine. Liquid biopsy, a minimally invasive approach, has emerged as a promising practice in genetic profiling and monitoring of lung cancer. Translating liquid biopsy from bench to bedside has encountered various challenges, including technique selection, protocol standardisation, data analysis and cost management. Regarding these challenges, the 2016 Chinese Lung Cancer Summit expert panel organised a trilateral forum involving oncologists, clinicians, clinical researchers, and industrial expertise on the 13th Chinese Lung Cancer Summit to formally discuss these controversies. Six consensuses were reached to guide the use of liquid biopsy and perform precision medicine in both clinic and research.


Liquid biopsy; lung cancer; next-generation sequencing


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