Several complementary health approaches have been studied for Parkinson’s disease, and some have shown a positive benefit for the symptoms associated with the disease. There is some limited evidence that tai chi may improve some symptoms of Parkinson’s, but study results are mixed. Few research studies on massage therapy and acupuncture for people with Parkinson’s disease exist, and neither modality appears to reduce symptoms. No dietary supplements have been shown to be beneficial for symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The American Academy of Neurology issued a practice parameter in April 2006 on neuroprotective strategies and alternative therapies for Parkinson’s disease and made evidence-based treatment recommendations that address the needs of specialists and caregivers for people with Parkinson’s disease.
This issue of the digest provides a summary of evidence for several complementary health approaches that have been studied for Parkinson’s disease, including natural products and mind and body practices.
What the Science Says:
Parkinson’s Disease and Complementary Health Approaches
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