miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

Chinese Journal of Cancer | Chinese Journal of Cancer is collecting 150 most important questions in cancer research and clinical oncology

Chinese Journal of Cancer | Chinese Journal of Cancer is collecting 150 most important questions in cancer research and clinical oncology

Biomed Central

Chinese Journal of Cancer

Chinese Journal of Cancer is collecting 150 most important questions in cancer research and clinical oncology

Rui-Hua Xu, Chao-Nan Qian, and Wei Zhang
Despite all the human efforts and monetary investment over the last few decades, cancer is still posing one of the most devastating threats to our life quality and expectancy in many parts of the world. The etiology of cancers varies. The genetic and epigenetic causes of cancer are heterogeneous and multifaceted. Cancer is not only a disease of malignant cells but involves the whole physiology, especially the natural defensive immune systems. The task of overcoming cancer is so vast and overwhelming that it will no doubt take scientists all over the world to join efforts and resources in order to succeed. 
The Chinese Journal of Cancer (CJC) is proud to represent an important platform to report the international efforts in the war against cancer. The editors and editorial board seek to play an active role in promoting high level cancer research and novel cancer treatments.
The year of 2016 is the 150th year Anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's birth. Sun Yat-sen was a doctor. He devoted his life to treating patients and to revolutionizing the history of mankind by putting China on a path for modernization. The CJC editors have decided to honor Dr. Sun Yat-sen's legacy by soliciting the 150 most important questions in the war against cancer from cancer researchers all around the world. We believe this will help provide important insights and guidance in our future efforts to tackle this terrible disease. After rigorous review by an academic committee composed of senior editors and senior scientists, the top-ranked 150 questions together with participants will be published in a special article in the December issue of the CJC.
Below is an example for submitting your question. Please follow this format to prepare your thoughtful questions and submit them to the Director of CJC Editorial Office, Ms. Ji Ruan at ruanji@sysucc.org.cnThe deadline is extended to October 31, 2016.
Example Question
Why do nasopharyngeal carcinomas rarely metastasize to the brain?
Background and Implication:
Of all head and neck cancers, nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) has the highest metastasis rate. NPCs commonly metastasize to the lymph nodes, bone, liver, and lung. Given the close anatomic location of the nasopharynx to the brain, NPCs rarely metastasize to the brain. Determining the underlying molecular mechanism(s) may be very helpful for preventing brain metastases from other types of malignancies that are prone to spread to the brain.
Chao-Nan (Miles) Qian
Affiliation and Email:
Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, China.
Email: qianchn@sysucc.org.cn

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