Things of note
Open Access Week 2016: Open in action
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The 9th International Open Access Week has been taking place this month, from 24th to 30thOctober. This year’s theme has been “Open in Action” and BioMed Central planned a range of activities to demonstrate how we help Open Access come to life and the steps we are taking to ensure that science and research become more openly available. Do watch our blogs and social media spaces for updates from the event.
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This year’s promotion of Biology Week 2016, which was on from 8th to 16th October, took us on a fascinating and thought-provoking journey into critical advances in biological research.
Each of our five daily topics – one for every working day – had the power to change life as we know it and more quickly than we ever imaged. Our daily celebrations featured our most highly-accessed articles and blogs, plus Q&As with leading experts, quizzes to test your knowledge and engaging discussions that illuminated the many ways our research impacts the world around us.
You can find out more about Day 1: Bioengineering – Changing our biology here.
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SpotOn London 2016, which will be dedicated to discussing the future of peer review, takes place on 5th November. The community-led conference will cover topics including pre-prints and peer review, automated peer review and how we train peer reviewers. To mark the event, we are hosting a science poetry competition with the opportunity for you to win a cash prize - and submissions are now being accepted. Our Community Manager, Davy Falkner, tells you all about it in his blog. And if you haven’t registered for SpotOn yet, do it now – places for this FREEevent are limited!
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In September, we held our first New York Editors’ conference which brought together BioMed Central and SpringerOpen Editors. These days are valued both by the Editors and members of staff for helping us to work together to improve the experience of our authors. The conference ensures that Editors are up-to-date with regards to research integrity and publishing ethics and hear about the latest innovations happening at BioMed Central and SpringerOpen, particularly around peer review. For more information, please visit our blog.
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SCOAP3, the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics, is a pioneering partnership of 3,000 libraries, funding agencies and research centers in 44 countries, as well as three intergovernmental organizations, working to enable open access in high-energy physics. Founded in 2014, SCOAP3 has just been extended for another three years to December 2019, continuing its support of open access publication of high-energy physics articles, including in two journals from our parent company Springer Nature. Read more about it in our blog.
2016 Nobel Prizes
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The 2016 Nobel Prizes were awarded during the first and second week of October and many of this year’s laureates have published with our parent company Springer Nature. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine laureate Yoshinori Ohsumi has published articles in Nature, Nature Cell Biologyand Nature Communications, two of which are highlighted in the Nobel Prize announcement. Previous BioMed Central Nobel laureates include Dr Sydney Brenner who recently co-authored a study on the genome of the ocean sunfish (Mola mola) which was published in GigaScience.
Steven Inchcoombe, Chief Publishing Officer for Springer Nature, said: “Yet again, many of the new Nobel Laureates have trusted Springer Nature to publish their work, and we offer our congratulations to all this year’s winners. It’s a real testament to the quality of our books and journals, that they are seen as a key forum to share knowledge for the world’s most renowned academics.”
BioMed Central in the news
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When drunk and surrounded by other drinkers, people’s judgements of their own levels of intoxication and the associated risks are related to the drunkenness of their peers, not on the objective amount of alcohol they have actually consumed. The research published in BMC Public Health was popular with the world press, gaining 417 media hits.
In the UK, it was covered by outlets including The Guardian, Daily Mailand iNews. It was most widely syndicated in the US, and covered by major international outlets including Scientific American, Science and The Huffington Post. Other coverage includes Le Figaro in France; SPIEGEL Online and Süddeutsche Zeitung in Germany; The Times of India; ABC.es in Spain; and The Australian and Scimex in Australia.
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Research published in BMC Medicine found that Britons eating a Mediterranean diet could lower their risk of developing cardiovascular disease including conditions such as heart attack and stroke. In this study, the first of its kind carried out in a UK population, the researchers found that healthy individuals with greater adherence to a Mediterranean-type diet had 6 to 16% lower risk of future cardiovascular disease compared to individuals who had poor adherence.
This was particularly popular with the mainstream press and specialist outlets in the UK, gaining coverage in BMJ, Medical News Today, Telegraph, Daily Mail, and The Independent. It was reported internationally in palo.gr in Greece; Europa Press, Times of Malta and Heraldo.es in Spain; zazoom.it and quotidiano.net in Italy; The Courier Mail and The Australian in Australia; and Health Medicine Network in US.
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The genome of the ocean sunfish (Mola mola), the world’s largest bony fish, was sequenced for the first time by researchers from China National Genebank at BGI-Shenzhen and A*STAR, Singapore. The researchers, who include Nobel Laureate Sydney Brenner, published their results in GigaScience and revealed several altered genes that may explain the fast growth rate and large size of the fish as well as its unusual endoskeleton.
The research was covered in GenomeWeb, and Earth Times in the UK. It was also syndicated in China, by outlets including cnr.cn, ebiotrade, mt.sohu.com, news.xinmin.cn and china.huanqiu.com, and reported in fis.com in Japan; Bild der Wissenschaft in Germany and Asian Scientist in Singapore.
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The most popular blog across the BMC Blog Network in August was posted in ‘On Biology’. In it, Sarah Dowie, Journal Development Editor at BioMed Central, sheds some light on the current status and possible future of epigenetic drugs, an incredibly potent class of drugs that could help reverse abnormal gene expression.
Interesting supplements
BMC Public Health
BMC Genomics and BMC Systems Biology
BMC Genomics and BMC Bioinformatics
BMC Health Services Research
BMC Public Health
BMC Bioinformatics
BioMed Central on the road
Denver, USA, 29/10/2016
Shenzhen, China, 04/11/2016
Atlanta, USA, 13/11/2016
Vienna, Austria, 09/11/2016
National Harbor, Maryland, 9/11/2016
San Diego, USA, 12/11/2016
Vancouver, Canada, 14/11/2016
Best wishes,
The BMC Update Team
The BMC Update Team
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