domingo, 17 de julio de 2016

Medical Breakthroughs -- Medical News and Health Information.

Medical Breakthroughs -- Medical News and Health Information.

Medical Breakthroughs: Ivanhoe Insider

Today's News Flashes

Opposites Attract -- Unless You’re in a Relationship

Spinal Cord Stimulation Safe for Pain: Study

Academic Success: Character, Genetics Have Role

Cinnamon May Aid Learning Ability

Eye Technology Detects Alzheimer’s Pre-Symptoms
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This Week's Top 10 Viewed Stories
         1. New Insight On How Memory Loss May Occur (2nd week)
June 30, 2016 - Spatial memory decays when the entorhinal cortex is not functioning properly, a new mouse model shows. The study, say the authors, provides new information about how dysfunction of this circuit may contribute to memory loss in Alzheimer’s ...
         2. Saving Knees with Allograft
CHICAGO. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- More than one-third of all Americans report being affected by knee pain. Knee Submitreplacement surgery can offer relief, but the implants only last between 12 and 15 years. Patients under the age of 40 aren’t usually considered good candidates for the procedure because they would need too many revision operations. Now there’s a simple surgery that’s saving knees in younger patients.
         3. Thing to Know to Save a Life
ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- It can happen anywhere at any time ... someone collapses and stops breathing. Cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in the United States, yet less than half of the people who Submithave an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest get the immediate help they need. More than 90 percent of individuals die before reaching the hospital. There are three things that most people don’t know about CPR that could save 200,000 lives a year.
         4. Never Too Old Back Surgery! (2nd week)
NEW YORK, N.Y. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- As we age, chronic back trouble may become a painful part of daily life. SubmitAlmost twenty-five percent of all doctors’ visits for low back pain are patients over the age of 65. At one time, surgery was considered too risky to be an option for a lot of seniors. But, minimally invasive procedures may put more older patients back in play.
         5. Pomegranate Reveals Its Anti-Aging Secret
July 11, 2016 - Are pomegranates really the superfood that will counteract aging? Scientists have discovered that a molecule in pomegranates, transformed by microbes in the gut, enables muscle cells to protect themselves against one of the major causes of aging. In animals, the effect is nothing short of amazing. ...
         6. Alzheimer’s and the Biggest Mistake Caregivers Make (2nd week)
ATLANTA, Ga. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- For every person with Alzheimer’s there are about three people who take care of them. That’s more than 15 million caregivers in America. One Alzheimer’s expert wanted people to see the disease through the eyes of the caregiver so she gave them cameras and had them snap away at a life Submitthat isn’t always picture perfect. It is one of the most stressful and emotional jobs, but she says some of the biggest mistakes caregivers make can be avoided.
         7. Treatment: Keeping Breast Cancer Cells Silent?
July 7, 2016 - Researchers describe a repression mechanism active in hormone-dependent breast cancer cells for the first time. The repression complex of these cells silences genes related with cell proliferation and death, two key processes in cancer. The discovery contributes new knowledge on gene-silencing ...
         8. SAVI SCOUT Targets Breast Tumors
TAMPA, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- More than 150,000 women have breast reconstruction surgery and breast Submitconserving surgery every year. Thirty percent may require repeat surgeries. But there’s new technology that could lower those numbers.
         9. Using Fat to Build Cartilage in Knees
TUCSON, Ariz. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A University of Arizona researcher is growing cartilage from stem cells takenSubmit from fat tissue. He said that cartilage could repair small defects and large areas of damage seen in many arthritis patients, and one day, it could eliminate the need to put plastic and metal in people’s knees.
         10. ESight for Blindness -- In-depth Interview (2nd week)
Alexandra Dalimonte, Outreach Coordinator for eSight, a company based in Toronto, Canada talks about a new device that is changing the lives of people who are legally blind.

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