sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2015

Public Health Emergency Weekly Report

Public Health Emergency Weekly Report

Public Health Emergency.  Resilient People. Healthy Communities.  A Nation Prepared.

Child writing on a window

Before a Storm

When winter temperatures drop significantly below normal, staying
warm and safe can become a challenge. Extremely cold temperatures
often accompany a winter storm, so you may have to cope with power
failures, loss of communication services, and icy roads. Prepare for a
winter storm before it hits. The best way to keep your family and
yourself safe is to plan ahead.Remember winter storms can strike any
time, so make sure you have supplies and a plan you can use when
you are at home, at work, at school or in your car.  Learn more >> 

Teacher talking to small children.

Psychological First Aid

Psychological First Aid is an evidence-informed approach for helping
children, adolescents, adults, and families in the aftermath of disaster
and terrorism. The curriculum includes information on: contact and
engagement, safety and comfort, stabilization, information gathering:
current needs and concerns, practical assistance, connection with
social supports, information on coping, and linkage with collaborative
services.Learn more >>

Radiation Symbol

From the ASPR Blog: REMM redesigned

The Radiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM) web site,
released by HHS’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness
and Response in 2007, offers health care providers key clinical information
about the various types of radiation incidents and injuries, and how to
recognize, triage and treat these injuries. It also provides instructional
and training material about radiation itself and the federal assets available
to help with the response. The REMM web site was recently redesigned
to make it more user-friendly and have a more modern navigation system.
Learn more >>

Tracy Onchwari, Medical Reserve Corp (MRC)

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Teens4Prep: Teens Promoting Healthy 

Communities During Disasters and Every Day

Teens across the country are helping their communities stay
healthy during disasters and every day. These Tracy Onchwari,
a volunteer with the Medical Reserve Corps, tells us how exciting
a disaster exercise can be!  Tracy joined an MRC disaster exercise,
complete with dummies that sweat, bleed and moan.  The experience
 helped prepare her to help out if a disaster strikes her
community. Learn more >>

Ebola virus under a microscope

Public Health Emergency Medical 

Countermeasures Stakeholders Workshop 2016

This two-day workshop will highlight past progress and future
directions in developing, stockpiling and effectively utilizing the
drugs, vaccines, and devices that may be required in public
health emergencies caused by either naturally occurring epidemics
or intentional chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear attacks. 
The workshop will feature a mix of plenary sessions and in-depth
breakout sessions along four tracks: operational capacity &
effective utilization, federal initiatives & progress, industry
partnerships, and emerging infectious diseases.
 Learn more >>

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