domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2015



epidemiology word cloud with sequencing and a double helix

Epidemiology: Big Data and Precision Medicine
Epidemiology is the basic science of public health genomics, concerned with understanding how human and pathogen genomic variation affects the distribution of disease in populations. Big data and precision medicine are affecting the future of the field.


HuGENetEpidemiology is the basic science of public health genomics, concerned with understanding how human and pathogen genomic variation affects the distribution of disease in populations .
The Office of Public Health Genomics tracks epidemiologic study results in ourweekly horizon scan and Advanced Molecular Detection Clips and deposits relevant publications in the Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base.
In addition, the Office  established the Human Genome Epidemiology Network (HuGENet) to help translate human genetic research findings into opportunities for preventive medicine and public health. For more than a decade, HuGENet has advanced a population perspective on human genetic variation in health and disease through data synthesis, interpretation, and dissemination.
To learn more about Human Genome Epidemiology resources, please click on the links below.

NEW: Planning for the Future of Epidemiology in the Era of Big Data and Precision Medicine.External Web Site Icon
Khoury MJ. Am J Epidemiol. 2015 Dec 1. pii: kwv228.
NEW: Primers on -Omic Technologies for the Practice of Epidemiology,External Web Site Icon from the American Journal of Epidemiology, 2015.

Selected CDC Articles

Epidemiology Resources

  • HuGE Navigator
    A searchable, online knowledge base in human genome epidemiology, updated weekly from PubMed.
  • Guidelines
    Published recommendations for enhancing  the reporting, synthesis, and translation of human genome epidemiology research.
  • Bibliography
    Published guidelines, methods, analyses, and commentaries in human genome epidemiology.  
  • Reviews
    Instructions for reading and writing HuGE Reviews.
  • Case studies
    Self-guided online case studies for teaching concepts in human genome epidemiology.
  • Workshops
    Agendas and summaries for past HuGENet workshops.

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