jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

BodyWorks toolkit | womenshealth.gov

BodyWorks toolkit | womenshealth.gov

BodyWorks Banner

December 2015
Good afternoon,
BodyWorks is moving into a new phase! After a decade of helping parents and caregivers of teens and preteens improve family eating and activity habits, the Office on Women’s Health is stopping its management of BodyWorks in December 2016. That doesn’t mean BodyWorks must end. We encourage you to continue leading programs in your communities.
The BodyWorks website and toolkit materials will remain onwomenshealth.gov until Friday, December 30, 2016. We encourage you to download all the materials from the website while they are available (http://womenshealth.gov/bodyworks/program-leaders/bodyworks-toolkit/bodyworks-toolkit.html). If you would like to print them professionally, we can send you design files for the English and Spanish toolkit materials.
Design files of the toolkit materials you see on the website are available now. We are preparing a version of the materials without the OWH and HHS logos, which will allow organizations to add their own logos and information. These design files will be available after March 2016.
We also have thousands of remaining printed copies of the older versions of the For Teens and For Guys booklets (in English) and the Spanish toolkit. If you are interested in ordering any of these materials, please let us know.
Our team appreciates your support of BodyWorks and all you have done to improve the health of your communities.
If you have any questions, please email bodyworks@hagersharp.com.
The BodyWorks Team
Womens Health logo

BodyWorks toolkit

The English and Spanish BodyWorks toolkits are available to download as PDFs. Due to budget constraints, there are no plans to provide printed copies of the updated English and Spanish BodyWorks toolkits. Printed copies of the older versions of the English For Teens booklet, English For Guys booklet, and complete Spanish toolkit are still available.
BodyWorks toolkit (English)
BodyWorks toolkit (Spanish)
BodyWorks curriculum
Ideas for reducing your printing costs
Due to budget limits, BodyWorks toolkits are no longer provided in hard copy. Here are some suggestions for reducing printing costs:
  • Always print double-sided.
  • Ask your local printing shop to give you a discount on bulk orders. In turn, offer to hand out business cards or flyers to program participants identifying the business’ contribution to the program.
  • Ask local businesses to print components of the toolkit for you. In turn, offer to hand out business cards or flyers to program participants identifying the business’ contribution to the program.
  • Ask businesses to donate money to use toward printing costs. In turn, offer to hand out business cards or flyers to program participants identifying the business’ contribution to the program
  • Consider asking training participants to print their own toolkit components (some or all) to reduce overall printing costs.
  • Consider asking families to download and/or review online specific components or sections of the toolkit by week, instead of printing all components for each family. Program leaders can bring in one to two printed copies for people to look at during each session.
  • If a program leader has access to a projector and screen during each session, he/she can download toolkit components to his/her computer and share them electronically during the session. Ask families to review specific components sections ahead of time so they are already familiar with the content.

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