jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

CDC - SHPPS - School Health Policies and Practices Study - Adolescent and School Health

CDC - SHPPS - School Health Policies and Practices Study - Adolescent and School Health

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New 2012 School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPS) Products Released

Today, the Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) released 24 fact sheets reporting results from the 2012 School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPS) on the SHPPS web site at www.cdc.gov/shpps.

The release includes 7 fact sheets that report national results on the following components of school health:
  • Faculty and staff health promotion
  • Health education
  • Health services
  • Mental health and social services
  • Nutrition services
  • Physical education
  • Physical school environment
The release also includes 17 fact sheets that report national results on the following topics across all components of school health:
  • Alcohol- or other drug-use prevention
  • Asthma
  • Crisis preparedness
  • Food safety
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention
  • Infectious disease prevention and control
  • Injury prevention and safety
  • Nutrition
  • Physical activity
  • Pregnancy prevention
  • School health coordination
  • School nutrition environment
  • Sexually transmitted disease (STD) prevention
  • Students with disabilities
  • Suicide prevention
  • Tobacco prevention and control
  • Violence prevention 
These fact sheets present highlights of results on particular school health components and topics published in Results from the School Health Policies and Practices Study 2012. The full report is available at http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/shpps/2012/pdf/shpps-results_2012.pdf.

SHPPS Background:

SHPPS is a national study periodically conducted to assess school health policies and practices at the state, district, school, and classroom levels. SHPPS was conducted at each of these levels in 1994, 2000, and 2006. In 2012, SHPPS was conducted at the state and district levels. School- and classroom-level data collection is currently in the field; those results will be available in 2015.

For more information about SHPPS:

Phone: 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636)

School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPS)

School Health Policies and Practices Study
The School Health Policies and Practices Study* (SHPPS) is a national survey periodically conducted to assess school health policies and practices at the state, district, school, and classroom levels.

SHPPS was most recently conducted in 2012 to answer the following questions:
  • What are the characteristics of each component of school health at the state and district level?
  • Are there persons responsible for coordinating each school health program component, and what are their qualifications and educational backgrounds?
  • What collaboration occurs among staff from each school health program component and with staff from outside agencies and organizations?
  • How have key policies and practices changed over time?

*Formerly known as the School Health Policies and Programs Study.

SHPPS in Brief – Background information on SHPPS, including purpose and study components

Results & Fact Sheets


Results from the School Health Policies and Practices Study 2012
Full Report of the 2012 SHPPS Adobe PDF file [pdf 2.5M]
SHPPS 2012 cover

Note: The following drop-down menus will automatically open the selected fact sheet in PDF format within a separate browser window or tab.
National Fact Sheets by Topic

National Fact Sheets by Component

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