viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

Adjusting plasma or serum zinc concentrations for inflammation: Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project | The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Oxford Academic

Adjusting plasma or serum zinc concentrations for inflammation: Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project | The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Oxford Academic

Recently Published DNPAO Articles

  • Adjusting plasma or serum zinc concentrations for inflammation: Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project [McDonald CM, Suchdev PS, Krebs NF, Hess SY, Wessells KR, Ismaily S, Rahman S, Wieringa FT, Williams AM, Brown KH, King JC. / Am J Clin Nutr. / April 2020]
  • An integrated infant and young child feeding and micronutrient powder intervention does not affect anemia, iron status, or vitamin A status among children aged 12-23 months in Eastern Uganda [Ford ND, Ruth LJ, Ngalombi S, Lubowa A, Halati S, Ahimbisibwe M, Baingana R, Whitehead RD, Mapango C, Jefferds ME. / J Nutr. / January 2020]
  • An integrated infant and young child feeding and small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplementation program is associated with improved gross motor and communication scores of children 6-18 months in the Democratic Republic of Congo [Addo OY, Tripp, K, Nanama, S, Albert B, Sandalinas F, Nanema A, Jefferds MEClayton H B, Whitehead RD Jr, Garg A, Kupka R, Locks LM / J Pediatr. / February 2020]
  • Association of daily step count and step intensity with mortality among US adults [Saint-Maurice PF, Troiano RP, Bassett DR Jr, Graubard BI, Carlson SA, Shiroma EJ, Fulton JE, Matthews C. E. / JAMA / March 2020]
  • Comparing hemoglobin distributions between population-based surveys matched by country and time [Hruschka DJ, Williams AM, Mei Z, Leidman E, Suchdev PS, Young MF, Namaste S / BMC Public Health / March 2020]
  • Correlates of infrequent plain water intake among US high school students: National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2017 [Park S, Onufrak S, Cradock A, Patel A, Hecht C, Merlo C, Blanck HM / Am J Health Promot. / March 2020]
  • Differences in perceived neighborhood environmental supports and barriers for walking between US adults with and without a disability [Omura JD, Hyde ET, Whitfield GP, Hollis ND, Fulton JE, Carlson SA / Prev Med / March 2020]
  • Factors associated with anaemia among adolescent boys and girls 10-19 years old in Nepal [Ford ND, Bichha RP, Parajuli KR, Paudyal N, Joshi N, Whitehead RD Jr, Chitekwe S, Mei Z, Flores-Ayala R, Adhikari DP, Rijal S, Jefferds ME / Matern Child Nutr. / April 2020]
  • Factors associated with anaemia in a nationally representative sample of nonpregnant women of reproductive age in Nepal [Ford ND, Bichha RP, Parajuli KR, Paudyal, N, Joshi N, Whitehead RD Jr, Chitekwe S, Mei Z, Flores-Ayala R, Adhikari DP, Rijal S, Jefferds ME / Matern Child Nutr. / March 2020]
  • Home fortification of foods with multiple micronutrient powders for health and nutrition in children under two years of age [Suchdev PS, Jefferds ME, Ota E, da Silva Lopes K, De-Regil LM / Cochrane Database Syst Rev. / 2020]
  • Interpretation of vitamin B-12 and folate concentrations in population-based surveys does not require adjustment for inflammation: Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project [Young MF, Guo J, Williams A, Whitfield KC, Nasrin S, Kancherla V, Suchdev PS, Crider KS, Pfeiffer CM, Serdula M / Am J Clin Nutr. / March 2020]
  • Landscape analysis of breastfeeding-related physician education in the United States [Meek JY, Nelson JM, Hanley LE, Onyema-Melton N, Wood JK / Breastfeed Med / March 2020]
  • Physical activity surveillance using wearable activity monitors: are US adults willing to share their data? [Hyde ET, Omura JD, Fulton JE, Weldy A, Carlson SA / Am J Health Promot. / January 2020
  • Physical activity types among US adults with mobility disability, behavioral risk factor surveillance system, 2017 [Hollis ND, Zhang QC, Cyrus AC, Courtney-Long E, Watson K, Carroll DD / Disabil Health J / February 2020]
  • Prevalence of workplace health practices and policies in hospitals: results from the workplace health in America study [Mulder L, Belay B, Mukhtar Q, Lang JE, Harris D, Onufrak S. / Am J Health Promot. / February 2020]
  • Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and lipid profile: more evidence for interventions [Kuklina EV, Park S / J Am Heart Assoc. / February 2020]
  • Sugar-sweetened beverage intake among adults, by residence in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties in 12 states and the District of Columbia, 2017 [Imoisili O, Park S, Lundeen EA, Pan L, O’Toole T, Siegel KR, Blanck HM / Prev Chronic Dis. / January 2020]
  • Sugar-sweetened beverage intake among pregnant and non-pregnant women of reproductive age [Lundeen EA, Park S, Woo Baidal JA, Sharma AJ, Blanck HM. / Matern Child Health J. / April 2020]
  • The co-occurrence of overweight and micronutrient deficiencies or anemia among women of reproductive age in Malawi [Rhodes EC, Suchdev PS, Narayan KMV, Cunningham S, Weber MB, Tripp K, Mapango C, Ramakrishnan U, Hennink M, Williams AM. / J Nutr. / April 2020]
  • The High Obesity Program: a collaboration between public health and cooperative extension services to address obesity [Kahin SA, Murriel AL, Pejavara A, O'Toole T, Petersen R. /Prev Chronic Dis / March 2020]
  • The High Obesity Program: overview of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and cooperative extension services efforts to address obesity [Murriel AL, Kahin S, Pejavara A, O'Toole T. / Prev Chronic Dis. / March 2020]
  • The influence of removing the ten-minute bout requirement on national physical activity estimates [Ussery EN, Watson KB, Carlson SA / Prev Chronic Dis / February 2020]
  • Tracking of obesity among 2‐ to 9‐year‐olds in an electronic heath record database from 2006 to 2018 [Freedman DS, Goodman AB, King RJ, Blanck HM / Obes Sci Pract. / January 2020]
Please Note: DNPAO authors are bolded in each citation. The findings and conclusions in these reports are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Access to articles is dependent on journal subscription status. Dates reflect when publications first became available.

Also see a bibliography of publications with DNPAO authors from past years.

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