![Disaster Information and Emergency Response](https://content.govdelivery.com/system/images/47526/original/DIMRCgovD_General_Banner1.png?1429732192)
02/25/2020 12:00 AM EST
Source: European Union, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Published: 2/25/2020. This web page, updated on February 25, 2020, provides COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) guidance for a suspected case requiring diagnostic testing (not to be reported at the European level); criteria to initiate testing for COVID-19 virus for active epidemiological case finding; types of specimens; and testing methodology. (Text)
02/25/2020 12:00 AM EST
Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Published: 2/25/2020. This report provides information about the February Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll that gauged the public’s knowledge of and concerns about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), in addition to exploring public opinion on how the outbreak is being addressed by the U.S. government. The poll found that most have heard or read about the coronavirus outbreak, including over half who say they have heard a lot; nearly six in 10 are concerned that coronavirus will affect the U.S.; and four in 10 are concerned it will affect their family. (Text)
02/24/2020 12:00 AM EST
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). Published: 2/24/2020. This interim infection prevention and control guidance, updated on February 24, 2020, is based upon Canadian guidance developed for previous coronavirus outbreaks (e.g., MERS and SARS), as well as interim guidance for COVID-19 (2019 novel coronavirus) published by the World Health Organization (WHO). The 18 recommended infection prevention and control measures include Screening and Assessment; Public Health Surveillance and Notification; and Laboratory Testing and Reporting. (Text)
02/13/2020 12:00 AM EST
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). Published: 2/13/2020. This interim guidance, updated on February 13, 2020, is for federal/provincial/territorial (F/P/T) public health authorities (PHA) in the event that a case of human illness caused by a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is suspected or confirmed within their jurisdictions. The strategy outlined in this guidance is containment (i.e., to reduce opportunities for transmission to contacts in the community) and is based on the assumption that the virus is primarily spread while the case is symptomatic. Topics are Context; Recommendations: Case management - confirmed, probable cases and Persons Under Investigation (PUI); and Recommendations: Contact management of probable and confirmed cases. (Text)
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