jueves, 2 de agosto de 2018

Can you learn how to be empathic? A new nursing education intervention says yes - BMC Series blog

Can you learn how to be empathic? A new nursing education intervention says yes - BMC Series blog

BMC Series blog

Marta Gritti

Marta is an Assistant Editor for the BMC Series. Before joining BMC, in September 2017, Marta was working as a post-doc at the Italian Institute of Technology of Genoa, studying the neuromodulation of synaptic plasticity in the mouse brain. She has a MSc in Molecular Biology and a PhD in Physiology from the University of Milan; she is fascinated by ethology and animal behaviour.

Can you learn how to be empathic? A new nursing education intervention says yes

It is not easy to change health risk behaviors, and it can be even more difficult for nurses to provide counselling on such delicate issues. In this pilot study recently published in BMC Nursing, the authors develop their Heart Health Whisperingintervention, teaching nursing students perspective-taking and clinical empathy.

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