EL BIRUNI: CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS ▲ DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN OCTUBRE de 2017 [*] ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto; 2008 a 2017. SALTA / ARGENTINA.

guía y luz a lo largo de mi vida
- ▼ 2017 (12026)
- ▼ octubre (200)
- NIH to fund seven Research Centers in Minority Ins...
- Heroin Taking Bigger Share of U.S. Opioid ODs: Med...
- Cancer Prevention Works: Cancer & Obesity
- Creative Minds: Giving Bacteria Needles to Fight I...
- Monoclonal antibodies against Zika show promise in...
- FDA Office of Women's Health News: Join the Nation...
- Video: Taking HIV to the Gut | NIH: National Insti...
- Taking HIV to the Gut
- Study: PLWH Who Smoke Up to 13 Times More Likely t...
- Webinar: In ovo Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Easy Ways to Build a Better P@$$w0rd | NIST
- NIST to Assess the Reliability of Forensic Methods...
- Take Action to Reverse a Troubling Stroke Trend
- Take Action to Reverse a Troubling Stroke Trend
- Newly Funded CDC Awards Advance Injury Prevention ...
- Multiple Research Approaches Are Key to Pandemic P...
- For the 2 Million People Suffering from Opioid Use...
- Pregnant smokers more likely to quit if they learn...
- New study shows how staph cells evade the body's i...
- High-dose flu vaccine could protect middle-aged ad...
- Study may contribute to genetic understanding of h...
- Research finds new therapeutic strategy to prevent...
- Study shows prevalence of sleep disturbances among...
- New tool reveals high cost of untreated sleep diso...
- Outdoor air pollution may increase risk of chronic...
- UTSW receives $34 million CPRIT award for cancer r...
- Delayed diagnosis of heart disease in women may co...
- Study identifies two genes involved in invasive gr...
- Blood test may predict treatment outcomes for pati...
- Self-management program with customized action pla...
- Study finds inverse link between restrictive spiro...
- Study: 52-gene risk profile accurately predicts su...
- Penn researchers develop predictive model to help ...
- Pactster offers free exercise therapy to better li...
- Study finds no association between BCG vaccine and...
- Oxygen therapy solutions manufacturer CAIRE rolls ...
- Rogue messengers can negatively affect the body's ...
- Plant substance shows inhibitory effects on cancer...
- FDA approves Verzenio for advanced metastatic brea...
- Study: Breast cancer clinical trials fail to estab...
- Research uncovers potential targets for treatment ...
- Gene targets for triple negative breast cancers re...
- NLM Announcements
- Multiple research approaches are key to pandemic p...
- Cancer and obesity | VitalSigns | CDC
- Life’s milestones are changing for Millennials | M...
- ‘We matter too’: another voice from the ranks of s...
- Defenders of the Unborn: the virtue of steadfastne...
- WEBCAST EVENT - Please Join Us for a Tour of NIAAA...
- Get ready! Disaster preparedness for people with e...
- October is SIDS Awareness Month | Features | CDC
- CDC - Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and Su...
- Malaria Update
- Postpartum Depression Update
- Child Mental Health Update
- Caffeine Update
- Nutrition Update
- Timing and Sequence Critical for Immunotherapy Com...
- NIH Grantee Wins 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry | N...
- Safety Alerts for Human Medical Products > Intraoc...
- Precision Medicine: Making Warfarin Safer | NIH Di...
- Vital Signs: Trends in Incidence of Cancers Associ...
- New & Updated Pages - Genetics Home Reference
- New & Updated Pages - Genetics Home Reference
- spastic paraplegia type 5A - Genetics Home Referen...
- combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 1 - ...
- It Takes a Whole Library to Create a World of Data...
- Cancers Associated with Overweight and Obesity Mak...
- Potentially blinding complication following intrao...
- Clinical outcomes in idursulfase-treated patients ...
- Dads bring something unique to infant development
- Men Selling Babies @ the Brussels Hilton | Mercato...
- Are internet-connected toys safe for your kids? | ...
- TOMORROW! Getting Data Right — and Righteous to Im...
- FDA Approves NORVIR Oral Solution Label
- NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator points the way t...
- Approved Changes to the DESCOVY Label
- Detecting early signs of cancer in the blood | Nat...
- Calorie restriction slows age-related epigenetic c...
- Microneedle patch shrinks fat tissue in mice | Nat...
- Engineered antibody protects monkeys from HIV-like...
- Genetic testing improves blood thinner dosing | Na...
- SAVE THE DATE: Taking Action to Reduce Overweight-...
- Consumer Updates > Do Not Use Infant Sleep Positio...
- Safety Alerts for Human Medical Products > Infant ...
- NIH researchers uncover drain pipes in our brains ...
- Fogarty awards $5M for bioinformatics research tra...
- Funding News from Fogarty Int'l Center at NIH
- Public Comment Opportunity: Draft guideline and sy...
- Step into a new way of ordering orthopedic shoe in...
- ‘Super enzyme’ checks glucose better for diabetics...
- Cannabis-derived drug shows promise for cognitive ...
- Live webinar: Sharing genomic data ► October 4, 20...
- NetConference Registration
- Register now! Understanding Parent Questions about...
- Don Wright Designated Acting Secretary of the U.S....
- EL BIRUNI: CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS [https://elbiruni...
- ▼ octubre (200)
- ▼ 2017 (11926)
- ▼ octubre (100)
- President Trump Continues PACHA |
- NLM Announcements
- Immunization-related MMWRs | CDC
- China’s regional fertility | MercatorNet |October ...
- The worm that is killing married love | MercatorNe...
- Transient yellow discoloration of the nails for di...
- A randomized, controlled, double-blind, crossover ...
- Clinical features and preventive therapies of radi...
- Distant metastases in phyllodes tumours of the bre...
- Molecular binary classification of NSCLC: miR-375 ...
- Cytotoxicity of Mycobacterium indicus pranii on Mi...
- Synergetic effects of Docetaxel and ionizing radia...
- What questions are most important to pancreatic ca...
- In vivo antitumor potential of extracts from diffe...
- Applied Cancer Research | Home | Submit your manus...
- Trends in utilization and costs of BRCA testing am...
- Committee Opinion No. 716 Summary: The Role of the...
- Efficacy of anthracycline/taxane-based neo-adjuvan...
- BRCA Genetic Testing and Receipt of Preventive Int...
- How the BRCA genes changed how we think about — an...
- Personal Stories of People Living with Deep Vein T...
- These moms have the BRCA gene mutation. Here’s how...
- Genome-wide association analysis identifies novel ...
- Precision Oncology: The Road Ahead.
- A Common Variant in the MC1R Gene (p.V92M) is asso...
- Transethnic genome-wide scan identifies novel Alzh...
- Multigene Test a Better Alzheimer's Predictor than...
- Genome-wide association study of erythrocyte densi...
- Genetic Background of the Sickle Cell Disease Pedi...
- Sickle Cell Disease: What You Should Know
- ASD restricted and repetitive behaviors associated...
- The Heritability of Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Genome-wide association study in an admixed case s...
- Genome-wide association study in an admixed case s...
- What can the CF registry tell us about rare CFTR-m...
- Recommendations for the inclusion of Fabry disease...
- February is American Heart Month. What are rare di...
- The need for a next-generation public health respo...
- Sharon Terry: When Siblings Get A Rare Diagnosis, ...
- Third party interpretation of raw genetic data: an...
- Personal Genomic Testing for Cancer Risk: Results ...
- Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing: Think Before Y...
- As Consumer DNA Testing Grows, Two States Resist
- Search results for "Pharmacogenomics" | PharmGKB
- Pharmacogenomics - GTR - NCBI
- Pharmacogenomics - OMIM - NCBI
- Pharmacogenomics AND (genetic OR genomic) AND revi...
- A genome-wide interaction analysis of tricyclic/te...
- Diagnostic accuracy of HLA-B*57:01 screening for t...
- Effect of Genotype-Guided Warfarin Dosing on Clini...
- Pannexin1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism and Plate...
- Non-psychotic depression
- The clinical pharmacogenomics implementation conso...
- Attitudes of clinicians following large-scale phar...
- Check out genetic tests related to selective serot...
- Is pharmacogenetic-guided treatment cost-effective...
- Genome Sequence Variability Predicts Drug Precauti...
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) H...
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) H...
- September Digest: News You Can Use
- HHS Secretary Kicks Off 2017-2018 Flu Vaccination ...
- 2016-17 Flu Season | FluVaxView | Seasonal Influen...
- 9 Ways to Prevent a Stroke! - Ivanhoe Broadcast Ne...
- Transethnic genome-wide scan identifies novel Alzh...
- Multigene Test a Better Alzheimer's Predictor than...
- A single genetic glitch may explain how Zika becam...
- Genetic Risk Stratification and Prevention of CAD:...
- Chromosomal microarray analysis in a cohort of und...
- ASD restricted and repetitive behaviors associated...
- The Heritability of Autism Spectrum Disorder
- CDC - Bring Your Brave - Hereditary Breast Cancer ...
- Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer|Diseases|Geno...
- Trends and Factors Affecting Utilization of BRCA T...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Genomic Scores are Independent of Disease Volume i...
- Validation of GEMCaP as a DNA based biomarker to p...
- ABCG2 and NCF4 polymorphisms are associated with c...
- Cancer Predisposition Cascade Screening for Heredi...
- Evaluation of an online family history tool for id...
- Evaluation of current prediction models for Lynch ...
- Trends in utilization and costs of BRCA testing am...
- Genetic predisposition in children with cancer - a...
- Genetic Testing: Challenges and Changes in Testing...
- Evaluation of psychosocial aspects in participants...
- Clinical management of pheochromocytoma and paraga...
- Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of cell-free circ...
- Breadth of Genetic Testing Selected by Patients at...
- Screening for germline mutations in mismatch repai...
- CDC - Bring Your Brave - Health Care Provider Educ...
- Dr. Ginsburg on Genetic Testing in Ovarian Cancer ...
- PHG Foundation: Developing effective ctDNA testing...
- Integrating genomics into population-based cancer ...
- What to Know About Lynch Syndrome | Patient Advice...
- National Society of Genetic Counselors : Blogs : T...
- The big question: Will cancer immune therapy work ...
- Hybrid capture-based genomic profiling of circulat...
- [Clinical utility study of 21-gene assay in 927 Ch...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- Organ donation and recipient information
- BioEdge: When a ‘good death’ was often painful
- ► septiembre (1259)
- ▼ octubre (100)


guía y luz a lo largo de mi vida
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