martes, 20 de junio de 2017

Fogarty International Center

Fogarty International Center

Funding news for global health researchers and partners from Fogarty at NIH

On behalf of the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), the following funding opportunities, notices and announcements may be of interest to those working in the field of global health research. Updates are typically distributed once a week.

Funding Opportunities

NIH funding opportunities focusing on global health and foreign collaboration.
NIH funding opportunities for which foreign organizations, foreign components of U.S. organizations and/or other foreign components may apply.
  • Cellular and Molecular Biology of Complex Brain Disorders (R01) (PAR-17-309) and (R21) (PAR-17-310)
    Application Receipt/Submission Date(s): Standard dates apply
  • HIV/HCV Co-Infections in Substance Abusers (R01) (PAS-17-311)
    Application Receipt/Submission Date(s): September 7 2017 and January 7, 2018
Information related to opportunities from other organizations focusing on global health and foreign collaboration.
  • U.S.-India Science & Technology Endowment Fund (USISTEF), supported by the governments of the U.S. (though the Department of State) and India (thought the Department of Science and Technology), seeks applications for grants to technologies for societal impact. Priority areas include biomedical devices and diagnostics. See the USISTEF website for a program brochure, and to submit applications.
    Application deadline: July 31, 2017

Funding News

NIH funding news that may be relevant to global health researchers.
  • Revision: Notice of Extension of Effective Date for Final NIH Policy on the Use of Single Institution Review Board for Multi-Site Research (NOT-OD-17-076)
  • Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research: Dynamic Neuroimmune Interactions in the Transition from Brain Function to Dysfunction (R01) (NOT-AA-17-006)
  • Notice of Interest to Highlight High-Priority Time-Sensitive Research Opportunities Toward Zero Suicide Healthcare Systems (NOT-MH-17-031)

Upcoming Deadlines

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