viernes, 23 de junio de 2017

Erratum: Vol. 66, No. 21 | MMWR

Erratum: Vol. 66, No. 21 | MMWR


MMWR Weekly
Vol. 66, No. 24
June 23, 2017

Erratum: Vol. 66, No. 21

In “Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables,” on pages ND403–22, weekly case counts were inadvertently omitted from the tables “Provisional cases of selected* infrequently reported notifiable diseases (<1,000 cases reported during the preceding year) — United States, week ending May 27, 2017 (21st week)” and “Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases (≥1,000 cases reported during the preceding year), and selected* low frequency diseases, United States and U.S. territories, weeks ending May 27, 2017, and May 28, 2016 (21st week).” The updated Week 21 tables can be found at and at
Suggested citation for this article: Erratum: Vol. 66, No. 21. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017;66:653. DOI:

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