Expanding Lynch Syndrome Screening: From Research to Reality
Tuesday, March 21, 2017 -
2:00pm to 3:00pm
EDTLynch syndrome (LS) is an inherited disorder that raises a person’s risk of developing colorectal, endometrial (uterine), ovarian, stomach, and other forms of cancer. Expanded screening for Lynch syndrome has been widely recommended due to the potential benefits to both patients and their family members, but has not yet been fully implemented throughout the United States. Join us for the March 21, 2017 Research to Reality cyber-seminar to learn more about Lynch syndrome, universal tumor screening, and some reflections from a National Cancer Institute hosted workshop focused on LS.
David Chambers, MSc, DPhil, will give a brief overview of the webinar and provide some key takeaways from the NCI hosted workshop, ‘Approaches to Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations: The Case of Lynch Syndrome’, convening on February 23 and 24, 2017.
Heather Hampel, MS, LGC, will provide an overview of Lynch syndrome, current screening practices, and the benefits of universal tumor screening for LS.
Greg Feero, MD, PhD, will discuss some of the issues that must be addressed to improve the identification and management of individuals at risk for hereditary cancer syndromes in primary care settings, and how his pilot project is approaching this issue.
Debra Duquette, MS, CGC, will share ways in which the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Cancer Genomics Program promotes awareness of and best practices surrounding Lynch syndrome. She will also describe the Lynch Syndrome Screening Network, a resource for health systems interested in implementing routine LS screening.
The presenters will share their experiences working with the Lynch Syndrome Screening Network and reflect on their experiences at the NCI-hosted workshop. The final part of the webinar will offer an opportunity for participants to engage with the presenters. We encourage you to share your own experiences and thoughts!
Learning Objectives
At the end of the cyber-seminar, participants will be able to:
- Describe the genetic disorder Lynch syndrome and how it is inherited.
- Describe issues for identification and management of individuals at risk for hereditary cancer syndromes in primary care settings.
- Understand some best practices the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services utlizes in regards to Lynch syndrome.
- Understand how the Lynch Syndrome Screening Network can help health systems implement routine Lynch syndrome screening.
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