martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

December 21 Interoperability Webinar: Patient Centered Outcomes Research Clinical Decision Support Learning Network Event

AHRQ--Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Advancing Excellence in Health Care

December 21 Interoperability Webinar: Patient Centered Outcomes Research Clinical Decision Support Learning Network Event

The Patient Centered Outcomes Research Clinical Decision Support Learning Network (PCOR CDS-LN), an AHRQ-supported initiative, will host a webinar tomorrow December 21 at 11 a.m. ET. "PCOR Clinical Decision Support Interoperability Standards," will feature a presentation by Kensaku Kawamoto, Ph.D.  One of the key challenges for developing and implementing PCOR CDS is interoperability. Dr. Kawamoto will provide an overview of interoperability frameworks for PCOR Clinical Decision Support. The overview will include details on: 
  • sharing knowledge artifacts,
  • sharing patient-specific inferencing capabilities, and,
  • sharing EHR-integrated “apps” with decision support.
Dr. Kawamoto will also describe the current state of standards in each of these areas and propose how the PCOR CDS-LN should build upon these efforts to enable scalable CDS for PCOR findings.

Please register at: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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