jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

Cancer Information Highlights, November 16, 2016

Cancer Information Highlights, November 16, 2016
National Cancer Institute

Cancer Information Highlights
From the National Cancer Institute
Updating you about cancer causes, prevention, screening, treatment, coping, and more
New from NCI
Lung Cancer Clinical Trials: Advances in Immunotherapy
Facebook Live Event about Lung Cancer Please join NCI’s Dr. Shakun Malik, head of thoracic oncology therapeutics, and Janet Freeman-Daily, lung cancer patient activist, for a 30-minute Facebook Live event to discuss the role of immunotherapy in lung cancer research and treatment.
The event will stream on November 17 at 8:00 pm ET on www.Facebook.com/ cancer.gov.
New Recommendations for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated its recommendation on the HPV vaccine. We explain what's changed in this NCI Cancer Currents blog post.
HPV Vaccines Fact Sheet Update
We’ve updated our fact sheet to include information about the two-dose schedule for the Gardasil 9 vaccine.
PDQ Summary Updates
Our PDQ summary on acupuncture has been updated to include information about a study that showed that acupuncture reduced the number of hot flashes and improved the quality of life of breast cancer survivors.
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment
Our revised PDQ summary includes updated information on the different types of treatment that are available and which treatments are used for each stage of the disease.
Retinoblastoma Treatment
We’ve revised our PDQ summary with updated information about the RB1 gene and specific treatment options for the disease.
Drug Information Updates
New Drug for Soft Tissue Sarcoma
We've added a new drug summary for olaratumab. It was recently approved by the FDA to treat soft tissue sarcoma that cannot be cured with surgery or radiation therapy.
Pembrolizumab for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
We’ve updated our pembrolizumab summary to reflect the FDA’s recent changes to its approval for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The approved use of pembrolizumab in NSCLC depends on whether the cancer has certain gene mutations and if it has already been treated.
Also of Interest
Choices for Care when Treatment May Not Be an Option
November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month. This page explains palliative and hospice care and describes how they can help people with cancer.
Quit Smoking
The Great American Smokeout, occurring this year on November 17, is a good day to quit smoking. Visit this website to learn about the steps you or a loved one can take to help you succeed. 
Lung Cancer
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Learn about the latest research and statistics, how lung cancer can be prevented, and how the different types are treated.

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