EL BIRUNI: CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS [http://elbiruniblogspotcom.blogspot.com] ▲ DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN OCTUBRE de 2016 [*] ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto; 2008 a 2016. SALTA / ARGENTINA. 31 de OCTUBRE de 2016 [2]
EL BIRUNI: CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS ▲ DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN SEPTIEMBRE de 2016 [*] ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto; 2008 a 2016. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto. Salta, Argentina. 2008 a 2016.
LUNES 31 de OCTUBRE de 2016

Abū'r-Raihān Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Bīrūnī
Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto | Propiedad Intelectual con Derechos Reservados
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EL BIRUNI: CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS ▲ DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN OCTUBRE de 2016 | Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto; 2008 a 2016. SALTA / ARGENTINA. 31 de OCTUBRE de 2016.
- ▼ 2016 (12209)
- ▼ octubre (1300)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) H...
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) H...
- Genome Center tracking and sequencing - to make a ...
- QuickStats: Cigarette Smoking Status Among Current...
- Announcement | MMWR► Announcement: World Stroke Da...
- Notes from the Field | MMWR► Notes from the Field:...
- Gastrointestinal Illness Associated with Rancid To...
- Prevalence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Among Adu...
- Preparedness for Zika Virus Disease — New York Cit...
- Outbreak of Influenza A(H3N2) Variant Virus Infect...
- Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report | Season...
- Is there an early warning test for stroke?
- MercatorNet: A worrying trend
- MercatorNet: Why do women share the crush on Candy...
- MercatorNet: IT prof’s advice: quit social media
- Federal Agencies Support Updated AAP Safe Sleep Re...
- Lymphedema Update
- Sore Throat Update
- Prevalence of Lynch syndrome in unselected patient...
- The Association Between the Genetic Variants of th...
- Implenting Public Health Genomics|Events|Genomics|...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content :: Publ...
- Delivering on the promise of precision cancer medi...
- Cancer Genetics Webinar
- NICE recommends wider use of tests to detect cance...
- The transfer of multigene panel testing for heredi...
- Chemotherapy decisions and patient experience with...
- Barriers to genetic testing in newly diagnosed bre...
- BRACAVENIR - impact of a psychoeducational interve...
- Integrating precision cancer medicine into healthc...
- Communicating BRCA research results to patients en...
- Novel BRCA1 and BRCA2 Tumour Test as Basis for Tre...
- Is ovarian cancer a targetable disease? A systemat...
- A Relational Approach to Genetic Counseling for He...
- Prevention and Screening in Hereditary Breast and ...
- Clinical Utility of Circulating Tumor DNA for Mole...
- Consideration surrounding incidental findings thro...
- NICE recommends all bowel cancer patients to be te...
- Current Screening Standards May Miss BRCA Carriers...
- Genetic Tests That Make a Difference After a Breas...
- Chemotherapy decisions and patient experience with...
- Genomics & Health Impact Weekly Scan ► Public Heal...
- A knowledge base for tracking the impact of genomi...
- The need for a next-generation public health respo...
- A comprehensive strategy for exome-based preconcep...
- PMKB: Precision Medicine Knowledgebase
- Genetics of Breast and Gynecologic Cancers (PDQ®) ...
- Genetic testing for breast cancer: Advocacy group ...
- How researchers cleared the name of HIV Patient Ze...
- The gut microbiome[mdash]an emerging complex trait...
- Using Pharmacogenetics to Predict Cancer Prognosis...
- Familial Hypercholesterolemia
- Validation of genotype cluster investigations for ...
- Xpert MTB/RIF Assay shows faster clearance of M. t...
- A diverse group of small circular ssDNA viral geno...
- Lassa and Ebola virus inhibitors identified using ...
- 1970s and 'Patient 0' HIV-1 genomes illuminate ear...
- The Cancer Moonshot, Hereditary Cancers and Popula...
- NCI at APHA 2016 - October 30, 2016
- Lying a slippery slope, says new study
- Power to the patient: New UK consent regulations
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on elbiruniblog...
- CHPA, CDC remind parents to keep medicines 'Up and...
- CDC warns against nasal spray flu vaccination this...
- Halloween: CDC warning about decorative contact le...
- Trick or Treat Checklist | PHPR
- Don’t Be Scared, Be Prepared! | Public Health Matt...
- Long-term oxygen treatment does not benefit some C...
- Kids With Gay or Lesbian Parents Do Just Fine: Stu...
- Nurses' 'Scrubs' Pick Up Bad Hospital Germs: Medli...
- Dental Cleanings May Help Keep Lungs Clean, Too: M...
- Colon Cancer's Location May Determine Patient Surv...
- Cranberry Products May Not Prevent UTIs: Study: Me...
- Athletes Can Be Champs at Fighting Skin Infections...
- Doctors Try Brain-Training to Curb 'Phantom Limb P...
- Study Questions Use of Migraine Meds in Kids, Teen...
- Heart Group Advises Personalized Nutrition Counsel...
- Stressful Jobs With Little Control/Shorter Life Sp...
- Poorer Heart Attack Victims, Especially Women, Far...
- intervertebral disc disease - Genetics Home Refere...
- Want healthy feet? Keep a healthy weight - Harvard...
- To gluten or not to gluten? - Harvard Health Blog ...
- New expert recommendations on children and media u...
- Talk to the animals: Animal-assisted therapy offer...
- The Good Life: How strong relationships impact our...
- Regular meditation more beneficial than vacation -...
- NCI at APHA 2016 - October 29, 2016
- Liver Cancer | Disease of the Week | CDC
- Prevent Mosquito Bites | Zika virus | CDC
- Prevent Mosquito Bites | Zika virus | CDC
- Pregnant? Get a Flu Shot! | Features | CDC
- Are You at High Risk for Serious Illness from Flu?...
- Prevent Children’s Exposure to Lead | Features | C...
- World Stroke Day: We Can Prevent Stroke | Features...
- Dr. Michael E. Charness to deliver 21st Annual Mar...
- NIAID Funding Opportunities for Small Business: Pl...
- Controlling Mosquitoes at Home | Zika virus | CDC
- Controlling Mosquitoes at Home | Zika virus | CDC
- Controlling Mosquitoes at Home | Zika virus | CDC
- EL BIRUNI: CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS [http://elbirunib...
- ▼ 2016 (12009)
- ▼ octubre (1100)
- Skin Patch to Treat Peanut Allergy Shows Benefit i...
- Polio Eradication’s Biggest Threats: Insecurity an...
- How mosquitoes are threatening the health of horse...
- Virus hunters look for deadly diseases in bat cave...
- Investigating the world's deadliest diseases - CNN...
- The virus hunters in search of the next outbreak -...
- CDC Around the World
- Federal agencies express support for updated safe ...
- Save the Date - CDC Grand Rounds Presents "Improvi...
- Gene therapy shows promise for treating Niemann-Pi...
- Standard hormone supplement after radiotherapy cou...
- Common hormone therapy to treat prostate cancer ma...
- New oncogene may contribute to high incidence of p...
- Immunotherapy drug approved by FDA as first-line t...
- Low selenium levels linked to liver cancer risk? A...
- Prostate Biopsy
- Side Effects of a TRUS Biopsy
- Side Effects of a Template Biopsy
- DNA changes predict longevity | National Institute...
- Bioengineered blood vessel grafts grow in animals ...
- Improving blood sugar estimates | National Institu...
- Depression screening and treatment in adults | Nat...
- Anxiety molecules affect male and female mice diff...
- Gene editing corrects sickle cell mutation | Natio...
- Sustained SIV remission achieved in monkeys | Nati...
- Skin patch to treat peanut allergy shows benefit i...
- NLM Announcements
- Patient Network Newsletter - October 26, 2016
- MercatorNet: Unravelling ‘recovered memories’
- MercatorNet: Single? Then you are labouring under ...
- Infectious Diseases of Poverty | Home page
- Major parasitic diseases of poverty in mainland Ch...
- Progress towards onchocerciasis elimination in the...
- Lessons on malaria control in the ethnic minority ...
- Negligible risk of inducing resistance in Mycobact...
- The global spread of Zika virus: is public and med...
- A community-based prospective cohort study of deng...
- Essential articles on Infectious Diseases of Pover...
- Consumer Updates > 'Lucky 13' Tips for a Safe Hall...
- Meet Carol & Brad: The Last Family in the #MyPlate...
- Meditation as an Integrative Approach to Health | ...
- Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s research—find ways t...
- blog.aids.gov − The CDC’s Gay Dance Video about HI...
- blog.aids.gov − HHS awards $2.3 billion in grants ...
- blog.aids.gov − Why #APHA2016 is a great place for...
- World Polio Day 2016: A Focus on Tenacity and Hope...
- CDC Global Health - Immunization - Infographic: Po...
- World Polio Day 2016 GPEI subtitles
- On World Polio Day, Join Us on the Road to Making ...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on elbiruniblog...
- Final Update Summary: Breastfeeding: Primary Care ...
- FDA MedWatch - Testosterone and Other Anabolic And...
- Modified Immunotherapy Approach Shows Promise for ...
- DINO RNA Molecule Triggers Anticancer Response in ...
- Drug Safety and Availability > FDA approves new ch...
- Lung Cancer Awareness
- FDA Discusses Recommendations to Mitigate the Risk...
- NCTR Publications > NCTR Research Highlights
- NCI at APHA 2016 Update
- Prevent Children’s Exposure to Lead | Features | C...
- Study Counters Notion That Heart Surgery Poses Mor...
- Polio Nearly Vanquished: CDC: MedlinePlus Health N...
- For Overheated Viewers of Presidential Race: 'De-E...
- Sickle Cell Disease: Gene-Editing Tools Point to P...
- Acupuncture (PDQ®)—Health Professional Version - N...
- Breast Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)—Health Professional...
- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Treatment (PDQ®)—Heal...
- Colorectal Cancer Prevention (PDQ®)—Health Profess...
- Genetics of Skin Cancer (PDQ®)—Health Professional...
- Mistletoe Extracts (PDQ®)—Health Professional Vers...
- Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, and Primary Peritoneal Ca...
- Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, and Primary Peritoneal Ca...
- Prostate Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)—Patient Version -...
- Prostate Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)—Health Profession...
- Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Dietary Supplement...
- Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Dietary Supplement...
- NGC Update Service: October 24, 2016 | Topic Nomin...
- Diagnosis and treatment of primary adrenal insuffi...
- Topotecan, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin hydroch...
- Canagliflozin, dapagliflozin and empagliflozin as ...
- Clinical policy for well-appearing infants and chi...
- NGC Introduction to Searching (Official Tutorial)
- The CDC Clear Communication Index | The CDC Clear ...
- Working with Libraries, Schools & Community Organi...
- Win the fight against osteoporosis
- Draft Guidance on Developing Drugs for Treatment o...
- Read our Editor's Picks from BMC Medical Ethics
- A soon-to-be father pens a letter of realisation t...
- MercatorNet: Words matter in assisted suicide
- MercatorNet: What would life be like without amaze...
- National Library of Medicine NLM in Focus Blog Upd...
- FDA MedWatch - HeartWare Ventricular Assist Device...
- Drug Approvals and Databases > Approved Drug Produ...
- Approved Drugs > Pembrolizumab (KEYTRUDA) Checkpoi...
- Approved Drugs > Hematology/Oncology (Cancer) Appr...
- Staying Healthy on a Long-Distance Flight | Featur...
- Using Data to Help Babies Born with Spina Bifida |...
- Worried your sore throat may be strep? | Features ...
- Does Breast or Ovarian Cancer Run in Your Family? ...
- EL BIRUNI: CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS [http://elbirunib...
- ▼ 2016 (11909)
- ▼ octubre (1000)
- Spotlight on Seizures | Features | CDC
- CDC - Breast Cancer in Young Women Feature
- Strep Throat | Disease of the Week | CDC
- NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announc...
- 2015 STD Surveillance | CDC
- Inappropriate Antibiotic Selection Among US Ambula...
- Ahead of Print -Travel-Related Tick-Borne Encephal...
- Etymologia: Streptococcus - Volume 22, Number 11—N...
- Correction: Vol. 22, No. 9 - Volume 22, Number 11—...
- Correction: Vol. 22, No. 8 - Volume 22, Number 11—...
- Correction: Vol. 22, No. 9 - Volume 22, Number 11—...
- Travel-Associated Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor, Russi...
- Meningococcal Disease in US Military Personnel bef...
- Recent Chikungunya Virus Infection in 2 Travelers ...
- Molecular Evidence of Oysters as Vehicle of Norovi...
- Leishmania major Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in 3 Trav...
- Exposures among MERS Case-Patients, Saudi Arabia, ...
- HIV/Hepatitis C Virus Co-infection among Adults Be...
- Shigella flexneri with Ciprofloxacin Resistance an...
- Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia in the Pampa Biome,...
- Severe Pneumonia Associated with Adenovirus Type 5...
- Lack of Mimivirus Detection in Patients with Respi...
- Marseillevirus in the Pharynx of a Patient with Ne...
- Early Mention of the Term Epidemiology - Volume 22...
- Ahead of Print -Guillain-Barré Syndrome and Health...
- Mammography Awareness for All Women
- Prostate Cancer: What you should know | Health.mil...
- Mixing supplements and medications | Health.mil
- Years of blood and tissue samples helps DoD make m...
- CDC Around the World: Hurricane Matthew in Haiti
- Vital Signs: Dental Sealant Use and Untreated Toot...
- REMS@FDA: Approved Risk Evaluation and Mitigation ...
- MATx for Opioid Use Disorder: Now Available for Do...
- Women face unique challenges when getting a prosth...
- MercatorNet: How should we teach our kids to use d...
- MercatorNet: Rediscovering the origin of the sexua...
- Better Bladder and Bowel Control - Harvard Health
- Snakebites a Rising Danger for U.S. Children: Medl...
- Some Mexican Ceramics Can Serve Up Lead Poisoning:...
- Zika Testing for All Pregnant Women Who Have Been ...
- Monitoring, Not Treatment, May Be Better for Some ...
- Kids 14 and Younger Only Need 2 HPV Vaccine Shots:...
- Even 6th Graders Commit Cyber Dating Abuse: Study:...
- Right-Handedness Might Go Back Almost 2 Million Ye...
- Black Americans May Have Stronger Immune Response ...
- Troubled Childhood May Boost Bipolar Risk: Study: ...
- Mediterranean Diet, Caffeine May Be Good for Your ...
- Study Counters Notion That Heart Surgery Poses Mor...
- Cartilage From Nose Used to Repair Bum Knees: Medl...
- Is It Really True That Chocolate May Be Good for Y...
- How to Protect Yourself | Zika virus | CDC
- Timeline of "What's New" | Zika virus | CDC
- Zika Virus | CDC
- Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report | Season...
- CDC Digital Media Toolkit: 2016-17 Flu Season | Se...
- Free Resources | Free Resources | Seasonal Influen...
- Losing Ethan | Office on Women's Health Blog
- CDC Releases First-ever Early Care and Education S...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content || Publ...
- The Role of Genetic Testing in the Identification ...
- Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) | Epil...
- Frequently Asked Questions | Epilepsy | CDC
- Population-Based Precision Cancer Screening: A Sym...
- The Cancer Moonshot, Hereditary Cancers and Popula...
- A knowledge base for tracking the impact of genomi...
- HOT TOPICS OF THE DAY ► Public Health Genomics Kno...
- Genomics & Health Impact Weekly Scan || Public Hea...
- Moving In and Out of the What-Ifs: The Experiences...
- Universal immunohistochemical screening of sebaceo...
- Identification and management of women with a fami...
- Educational and Psychosocial Support Needs in Lync...
- Time to incorporate germline multigene panel testi...
- Advanced cancer patients' attitudes towards, and e...
- The analytical validation of the Oncotype DX Recur...
- Cancer Moonshot – Medium
- Experiences from a pilot program bringing BRCA1/2 ...
- Genetic Alliance and APHA Genomics Forum: Tuesday,...
- Naturally Occurring Genetic Variants of Human Acet...
- Investigation of epizootic papillomatosis in blueg...
- Comparison of norovirus genogroup I, II and IV ser...
- Patterns and Trends in Age-Specific Black-White Di...
- Time until emergence of HIV test reactivity follow...
- BioEdge: Words matter in assisted suicide
- BioEdge: I’m glad I’m part Neanderthal
- Does IVF actually work for women over 40?
- European regulator to release all data from clinic...
- BioEdge: No Chinese baby boom after new two-child ...
- BioEdge: More couples crowd-funding IVF
- What if we could make eggs and sperm from skin cel...
- EHC Program Updates: ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment ...
- Cartilage From Nose Used to Repair Bum Knees: Medl...
- 'Fake Pills' May Help Ease Back Pain: MedlinePlus ...
- Clots May Be the Cause of Fainting in Some Elderly...
- Sweating Over a Perspiration Problem?: MedlinePlus...
- Making sense of the statin guidelines - Harvard He...
- Want healthy feet?
- Disability Connection Newsletter — October 2016 - ...
- Co-infections with Chikungunya and Dengue Viruses,...
- Mayaro Virus in Child with Acute Febrile Illness, ...
- EL BIRUNI: CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS [http://elbirunib...
- ▼ 2016 (11809)
- ▼ octubre (900)
- Nasopharyngeal Pneumococcal Density and Evolution ...
- Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome in Pat...
- Increased Community-Associated Infections Caused b...
- Neutralizing Antibodies to Severe Fever with Throm...
- Imported Chikungunya Virus Strains, Taiwan, 2006–2...
- Novel Levofloxacin-Resistant Multidrug-Resistant S...
- Group B Streptococcus Sequence Type 283 Disease Li...
- Group B Streptococcus Serotype III Sequence Type 2...
- Staphylococcus aureus Colonization and Long-Term R...
- Dog-Mediated Human Rabies Death, Haiti, 2016 - Vol...
- Guinea Worm (Dracunculus medinensis) Infection in ...
- Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Compli...
- Early Growth and Neurologic Outcomes of Infants wi...
- ESBL-Producing and Macrolide-Resistant Shigella so...
- Changing Pattern of Chlamydia trachomatis Strains ...
- Capsular Switching and Other Large-Scale Recombina...
- Serotype IV Sequence Type 468 Group B Streptococcu...
- Reassortant Eurasian Avian-Like Influenza A(H1N1) ...
- Epidemiology of La Crosse Virus Emergence, Appalac...
- Risk Factors for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ...
- Multidrug-Resistant Corynebacterium striatum Assoc...
- Global Escherichia coli Sequence Type 131 Clade wi...
- Increased Hospitalizations for Neuropathies as Ind...
- Ambulatory Pediatric Surveillance of Hand, Foot an...
- Immune Responses to Invasive Group B Streptococcal...
- Transmission of Babesia microti Parasites by Solid...
- Deadly River: Cholera and Cover-Up in Post-Earthqu...
- A Simple Sketch Symbolizing Self-Reliance - Volume...
- Genome Workbench 2.11.0 now available
- blog.aids.gov − A personal perspective about new d...
- blog.aids.gov − EEOC Files 2 HIV-related Employmen...
- blog.aids.gov − Large Increases in HIV Suppression...
- blog.aids.gov − 13.8 million Americans expected to...
- blog.aids.gov − Women Report Vaginal Ring for Prev...
- blog.aids.gov − USAID’s 30 Years of Leadership in ...
- Consumer Updates > Mammography: What You Need to K...
- MercatorNet: Pronouns, ordinary people, and the wa...
- MercatorNet: Is 115 the longest life we can hope f...
- Corrected: HPV Vaccination Update
- Public Health Matters: The Hidden Dangers of Hurri...
- Study Identifies Genetic Subtypes of Crohn's Disea...
- Researchers Identify Genes Linked to Hot Flashes: ...
- FDA MedWatch - Radiation Therapy Devices by Multid...
- Final Research Plan: Drug Use in Adolescents and A...
- Final Research Plan: Primary Care Screening and Be...
- Metabolomics Study Reveals another Energy Source f...
- New on NCI’s Websites for October 2016 - National ...
- Cancer After Organ Transplant: Understanding the R...
- DCEG Summer Interns 2016
- Creative Minds: Building the RNA Toolbox | NIH Dir...
- A Survivor's Right to Reconstruction | Office on W...
- QuickStats: Cancer Death Rates for Children and Te...
- Errata: Vol. 65, No. 36 | MMWR
- Notes from the Field: Chlorination Strategies for ...
- Notes from the Field: Pediatric Emergency Departme...
- Notes from the Field: Outbreak of Zika Virus Disea...
- Vital Signs: Dental Sealant Use and Untreated Toot...
- Status of New Vaccine Introduction — Worldwide, Se...
- National Progress Toward Hepatitis C Elimination —...
- Declines in Opioid Prescribing After a Private Ins...
- FDA MedWatch - Willy Rusch Tracheostomy Tube Set b...
- NLM Announcements
- Structure of primary cannabinoid receptor is revea...
- Zika and Pregnancy: My Professional and Personal F...
- Army honors wounded, ill and injured Soldiers duri...
- National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is Octobe...
- Approved Drugs > Hematology/Oncology (Cancer) Appr...
- The Joint Pain Relief Workout - Harvard Health
- The High Cost of Prescription Drugs in the United ...
- To Your Health: NLM update transcript - Prescripti...
- Males Conceived Via Fertility Treatment May Have W...
- Stronger Together—Community-Level Approaches to Di...
- Tips for making a hospital stay easier
- NIAID Funding News - October 19, 2016 | NIH: Natio...
- Large Increases in HIV Suppression Needed to Reduc...
- Women's Health — Pregnancy and Medicines | Breast ...
- Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act (WHCRA) - Cen...
- Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy - National ...
- Consumer Updates > Dianne Murphy: A Unique Insight...
- Hartsfield syndrome - Genetics Home Reference
- Boucher-Neuhäuser syndrome - Genetics Home Referen...
- factor VII deficiency - Genetics Home Reference
- epilepsy-aphasia spectrum - Genetics Home Referenc...
- STD Surveillance Report Press Release: 2015 Nation...
- Microwaving food in plastic: Dangerous or not? - H...
- Large increases in HIV suppression needed to reduc...
- HPV Vaccination Update
- Cancer Information Highlights, October 20, 2016
- CDC: School Dental Sealant Programs Could Prevent ...
- New Analysis of Data Reveals Americans’ Use of Com...
- Introducing FDA’s Emerging Sciences Idea Portal: P...
- CIINC | Current Issues in Immunization Netconferen...
- Brain and Other Nervous System Cancers | Did You K...
- MercatorNet: Should life be happy or meaningful?
- MercatorNet: Neither a ‘neighbour’ nor a ‘helpful ...
- Video: Dr. Collins chats with Astronaut Kate Rubin...
- CDC: Preteen & Teen Vaccine Info and Campaign Mate...
- Dandruff, Cradle Cap, and Other Scalp Conditions: ...
- HAN Archive - 00398|Health Alert Network (HAN)
- EL BIRUNI: CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS [http://elbirunib...
- ▼ 2016 (11609)
- ▼ octubre (700)
- Considerations for developing a Zika vaccine | EUA...
- NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announc...
- 7 tips for choosing a nursing home or care facilit...
- An Interview About Surviving Human Trafficking: Ma...
- NIMH » NIMH-Funded Study to Track the Effects of T...
- Pharmacists on the Front Lines
- Break the Chain of Infection! Support Internationa...
- University of Maryland Jazz Quintet - 12:00 p.m. ...
- NIH Scientists Uncover Genetic Explanation for Fru...
- Foodborne disease and diagnostic test webcast is O...
- NIH scientists uncover genetic explanation for fru...
- Specimen Resource Locator
- Welcome to the Cancer Diagnosis Program (CDP)
- NCI-Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice (NCI-MAT...
- Avelumab Shrinks Merkel Cell Tumors - National Can...
- Educating Patients about Genetic Test Results - Na...
- Reminder Upcoming Webinar—AHRQ Quality Indicators ...
- New diagnostic test distinguishes bacterial from v...
- My Name is Israel | ISRAEL21c
- Mixed News on Drug Abuse Among Lesbian, Gay Americ...
- More U.S. Women Hope for Motherhood, With 2 Kids I...
- 'Doc, This Election's Killing Me!': MedlinePlus He...
- Study finds Ebola treatment ZMapp holds promise, a...
- Monkey Study Hints at Drug-Free Suppression of HIV...
- Global Efforts to Combat TB Epidemic Falling Short...
- Brain Chips Help Paralyzed Man Regain Sense of Tou...
- Scientists Map DNA of Zika Virus From Semen: Medli...
- Scientists at NIH and Emory achieve sustained SIV ...
- Migration Helps Spread Bird Flu Worldwide: Medline...
- Breast Cancer Deaths Continue to Decline in U.S.: ...
- Heart Surgery Devices May Have Been Contaminated: ...
- 1 in 5 U.S. Young Adults Uses Hookah: MedlinePlus ...
- Texting While Parenting: A 21st Century Trap: Medl...
- BioEdge: Dutch to legalise euthanasia for terminal...
- MercatorNet: Why supporters of same-sex marriage c...
- MercatorNet: Home deliveries: Is anybody there?
- Hormones Update
- Researchers Pinpoint More Genes Linked to Vitiligo...
- When Someone You Love Has Diabetes
- 4 ways to tame tension headaches - Harvard Health
- Where do the candidates stand on the health and we...
- Exercise as an antidote for excessive sitting? - H...
- 7 ways to snack smarter
- Diabetes: A plan for living - Harvard Health
- ALS Registry Turned 6 | Your Health – Your Environ...
- EHC Program Updates: Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Mater...
- HOT TOPICS OF THE DAY ► Public Health Genomics Kno...
- Community Health Workers: An Untapped Resource to ...
- CRISPR deployed to combat sickle-cell anaemia : Na...
- Nutrigenomics at the Interface of Aging, Lifespan,...
- Our genes, our selves: hereditary breast cancer an...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content || Publ...
- Whole genome-based population biology and epidemio...
- Comparative genomic analysis of Haemophilus haemol...
- A Novel Rapidly Growing Mycobacterium Species Caus...
- Clinical Impact on Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes...
- Increase in Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coron...
- PMI Cohort Program announces new name: the All of ...
- Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) Case Registr...
- Nutrigenomics at the Interface of Aging, Lifespan,...
- New and emerging targeted treatments in advanced n...
- Divide and Conquer to Treat Lung Cancer. - PubMed ...
- Clinical Utility of the 12-Gene DCIS Score Assay: ...
- A pilot randomised controlled trial of the feasibi...
- Issues Arising in Psychological Consultations to H...
- Prenatal versus Postnatal Screening for Familial R...
- Our genes, our selves: hereditary breast cancer an...
- The knowledge value-chain of genetic counseling fo...
- Screening for Genetic Testing in Breast Cancer - A...
- Universal tumor screening for Lynch syndrome: heal...
- Genomics & Health Impact Weekly Scan || Public Hea...
- Advanced Molecular Detection (AMD)
- Pathogen|Genomics|CDC
- Changes in Clinical Diagnostics and Tracking Infec...
- Weight loss leads to strong increase in appetite |...
- Exosomes derived from HCC cells induce sorafenib r...
- Translational Oncology
- HIF-2α promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition ...
- Signaling by exosomal microRNAs in cancer | Journa...
- Anti-tumor effects of pigment epithelium-derived f...
- Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research...
- NIMH » NIMH Releases Strategic Research Priorities...
- September Clinical Center News 2016
- Videolecture: Opioids for Chronic Pain--Evidence, ...
- Flu Season Twitter Chat
- Protect Your Child this Flu Season: Get a Flu Shot...
- What's New at the NIDDK? - NIDDK Health Informatio...
- Troubleshooting constant headaches
- Scientists at NIH and Emory Achieve Sustained SIV ...
- DCPC Works: Cancer News from CDC
- Morning Sickness Associated with Lower Miscarriage...
- Coping – After Treatment - National Cancer Institu...
- Cone snail venom reveals insulin insights | Nation...
- Brain cells that cool the body | National Institut...
- DNA vaccines protect monkeys against Zika virus | ...
- How to Use the Nutrition Fact Label, Eat Right, NH...
- NIMH » NIH Nearly Doubles Investment in BRAIN Init...
- Global Handwashing Day
- Domestic Violence and Your Health | Office on Wome...
- EL BIRUNI: CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS [http://elbirunib...
- ▼ 2016 (11509)
- ▼ octubre (600)
- Immunotherapy redefines treatment approach for met...
- Research finds disparity in rates of prostate canc...
- ASCO issues new global guideline on screening for ...
- C-11 choline PET and MRI help physicians map patte...
- Study examines role of religion in cancer screenin...
- Aerobic exercise provides benefits to T1D patients...
- Snus use linked to increased risk of premature dea...
- Diabetes diagnosis linked to cancer development?
- Revised prostate cancer guidelines did not reduce ...
- MercatorNet: Your kids and the facts of life, Part...
- MercatorNet: Transgender identities are not always...
- FDA MedWatch - Skintact DF29N Multi-function Defib...
- NLM Announcements
- blog.aids.gov − The Power of NLAAD
- blog.aids.gov − Why National Latinx AIDS Awareness...
- CORRECTION: Date Added – Free CE Webinar: Preventi...
- MMWR Vol. 63 / No. 55
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for October 13, 2016
- Summary of Notifiable Infectious Diseases and Cond...
- Contaminated Devices Putting Open-Heart Surgery Pa...
- QuickStats: Gestational Weight Gain Among Women wi...
- Announcement | MMWR: Announcement: World Thrombosi...
- Announcement | MMWR: Announcement: Global Handwash...
- Announcement: National Teen Driver Safety Week — O...
- Notes from the Field | MMWR: Notes from the Field:...
- Progress Toward Global Eradication of Dracunculias...
- Increase in Adverse Reactions Associated with Use ...
- Unmet Needs for Ancillary Services Among Hispanics...
- HIV Testing and Outcomes Among Hispanics/Latinos —...
- Patterns and Trends in Age-Specific Black-White Di...
- Self-Management Education | Intervention Programs ...
- Physical Activity Programs | Intervention Programs...
- Data and Statistics | Arthritis | CDC
- Prevalence of Severe Joint Pain Among Adults with ...
- Scientists at NIH and Emory achieve sustained SIV ...
- CDC’s Environmental Public Health Tracking Network...
- Zika Travel Information | Travelers' Health | CDC
- After Your Trip | Travelers' Health | CDC
- After Your Trip | Travelers' Health | CDC
- Zika Basics Flipbook for Community Health Workers
- Zika Virus | CDC
- SAMHSA report shows higher rates of substance use ...
- MATx: A Mobile App to Support the Treatment of Opi...
- Media Guidelines for Bullying Prevention | SAMHSA
- New mobile app will provide instant, vital informa...
- Organized chaos: Corpsmen conduct hands-on trainin...
- Army Medicine fights cancer with advanced treatmen...
- HAN Archive - 00397|Health Alert Network (HAN)
- FDA MedWatch - Stӧckert 3T Heater-Cooler System by...
- CDC - Contaminated Heater-Cooler Devices - HAI
- Heater-Cooler Devices
- CDC Press Release: Contaminated Devices Putting Op...
- New CDC study shows changes in breast cancer death...
- Focus on Big Data – Celebrating Biology Week 2016
- NLM Announcements
- Save the Date: Break the Chain of Infection! Suppo...
- Final Research Plan: Screening for Elevated Blood ...
- Summer May Be Over, but Recreational Water Is Sti...
- "We Were There" - Legionnaire's | subsection title...
- EHS Vector Control / Integrated Pest Management To...
- How Is Restless Legs Syndrome Diagnosed? - NHLBI, ...
- Even partial steroid treatment can benefit extreme...
- Americans Are Changing Their Supplements of Choice...
- High-Protein Diets May Not Help Fend Off Diabetes:...
- Sudden Drops in Blood Pressure Tied to Higher Odds...
- For Medical Diagnoses, Doctors Still Trounce Compu...
- Leave Those Raking Injuries Behind: MedlinePlus He...
- Are Some Blood Pressure Meds Linked to Depression,...
- Calcium Supplements May Not Be Heart Healthy: Medl...
- Freeze Therapy: An Alternative to Breast Cancer Su...
- Consumer Updates > Dealing with ADHD: What You Nee...
- Thinking of “retiring” from driving? See other way...
- Read about Breast Cancer, Clinical Trials and more...
- Doctors May Not Be Telling High-Risk Patients Abou...
- Drug Information Update: RE: July 2016 Alere INRat...
- DoD will conduct flu immunization program without ...
- My Name is Israel | ISRAEL21c
- Cool Videos: Regenerating Nerve Fibers | NIH Direc...
- CDC - Global Health: CDC Around the World: Global ...
- Study Finds Ebola Treatment ZMapp Holds Promise, A...
- NIH funds additional medical centers to expand nat...
- NIH nearly doubles investment in BRAIN Initiative ...
- Study finds Ebola treatment ZMapp holds promise, a...
- MercatorNet: Siblings with benefits
- MercatorNet: All the boxes have been ticked, but s...
- MercatorNet: As medicine improves, how long can we...
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Maternal and Child Health ...
- Marshfield Clinic’s 100-Year Contribution to the F...
- 2017 CDC National Cancer Conference
- The Aging Eye: Preventing and treating eye disease...
- Untangling a cause of memory loss in neurodegenera...
- Visual cortex plays role in plasticity of eye move...
- Prenatal Testing Update
- A guide to help children understand cancer : Medli...
- Factsheet for Parents | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome |...
- blog.aids.gov − International Day of the Girl
- Marcus Bleasdale - Photographer
- Webinars - Rare Diseases International
- ▼ 2016 (11209)
- ▼ octubre (300)
- Medical errors: Honesty is the best policy - Harva...
- Osteoporosis: A guide to prevention and treatment ...
- Dictionary of Cancer Terms
- Merkel Cell Carcinoma Treatment (PDQ®)—Health Prof...
- Merkel Cell Carcinoma Treatment (PDQ®)—Patient Ver...
- Avelumab Shrinks Merkel Cell Tumors - National Can...
- CDC funds innovations to combat antibiotic resista...
- Menopause: MedlinePlus
- Cushing Syndrome: Other FAQs
- NIMH » Bipolar Disorder
- Thyroid Tests: MedlinePlus
- NIH to recognize 12 champions of environmental hea...
- Office of Naval Research developing new ways to pr...
- What the experts want you to know about the HPV va...
- Cancer Prevention and Treatment | NCCIH
- For Many Women, Sex Gets Better at Midlife: Medlin...
- How One Clinic Got a Big Boost in HPV Vaccination ...
- Hurricane Matthew Takes Aim at Florida: MedlinePlu...
- For Problem Drinkers, Experimental Drug Shows Prom...
- Doctors Perform 1st U.S. Living-Donor Uterine Tran...
- A Better Diabetes Test?: MedlinePlus Health News
- DEA Puts Quota on Production of Opioid Painkillers...
- Women's Memory Advantage Might Skew Alzheimer's Di...
- Measles Outbreak Among Amish Highlights Need for V...
- Zika Connection to Rare Nerve Disorder Bolstered b...
- Love Your Co-workers? It Could Boost Your Health: ...
- Exploding E-Cigarettes Sending 'Vapers' to Burn Ce...
- New NIH awards will enhance understanding of how n...
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for October 6, 2016
- QuickStats: Percentage of Children Aged 1–5 Years ...
- Notice to Readers: Update to Reporting of Pneumoni...
- Announcement: National Protect Your Hearing Month ...
- Update: Interim Guidance for Preconception Counsel...
- Characteristics of Children Aged < 18 Years with Z...
- Announcement: National Bullying Prevention Awarene...
- Real-Time Monitoring of Vaccination Campaign Perfo...
- Vaccination Coverage Among Children Aged 19–35 Mon...
- Vaccination Coverage Among Children in Kindergarte...
- Prevalence of Severe Joint Pain Among Adults with ...
- State-Specific Prevalence of Current Cigarette Smo...
- Confronting depression: Testing and choosing a the...
- Understanding Depression - Harvard Health
- MercatorNet: ‘It’s all about me, me, me!’ Why chil...
- MercatorNet: British youth: worn down, worried and...
- MercatorNet: A world without Down’s?
- Dr. Collins co-authors a Viewpoint in JAMA with Dr...
- NLM Announcements
- Screening Healthy Volunteers for Influenza Challen...
- October 2016 NIDCR E-newsletter- National Institut...
- A Perfect Partnership: Pediatric Environmental Hea...
- Building a Foundation for Clinical Trials of Natur...
- Looking for caregivers, volunteers with mild memor...
- Healthy aging possible for all: Tips to follow | H...
- Raise your awareness of breast cancer | Health.mil...
- Making the Performance Triad a Lifestyle | Disabil...
- Spotlight on: Paradox Sports | Disability.Blog
- New Data on Falls and Fall Injuries
- The Common Cold and Complementary Health Approache...
- Randomized trial of early integrated palliative an...
- Study Confirms Benefits of Early Palliative Care f...
- Creative Minds: Can Diseased Cells Help to Make Th...
- What Is Hemangioma? - American Academy of Ophthalm...
- What To Expect After Percutaneous Coronary Interve...
- High Blood Pressure Might Affect Some Kids' Thinki...
- NIMH » The Teen Brain: 6 Things to Know (Fact Shee...
- New Links on MedlinePlus: Prenatal Genetic Testing...
- 3 Lifestyle Changes To Help Prevent Breast Cancer:...
- Botox Beats Implant for Urinary Incontinence in Wo...
- C-Section Raises Risk of Blood Clots After Childbi...
- Cooling Therapy Might Not Help All Cardiac Arrest ...
- 'Paws' for Pet Safety This Fall: MedlinePlus Healt...
- Risk of Opioid Addiction Up 37 Percent Among Young...
- FDA MedWatch - Twin-Pass Dual Access Catheters by ...
- New Grant Opportunities
- MercatorNet: PrEP: a flawed prevention strategy fo...
- MercatorNet: Why are better educated parents the u...
- Alzheimer's Disease Research Centers | National In...
- Panel develops plan for preventing youth suicide |...
- Celebrate and Promote Hispanic Women’s Health
- FDA MedWatch - I.V. Flush Syringes by Nurse Assist...
- NLM Announcements
- NLM Announcements
- NIAID-Supported Research Expands Number of Publicl...
- FDA Updates for Health Professionals
- NIAID-Sponsored Study Finds Factors that Influence...
- 6 ways to use your mind to control pain - Harvard ...
- Food Safety for Fall Outings | FoodSafety.gov
- Pigment Cells: Not Just Pretty Colors | Biomedical...
- The Science of Size: Rebecca Heald Explores Size C...
- The Extracellular Matrix, a Multitasking Marvel | ...
- Get Your Cell Biology Questions Ready for Cell Day...
- PreteenVaxScene Webinar on Motivating Clinicians T...
- CDC, The Pew Charitable Trusts and 12 National Hea...
- Zika and Guillain-Barré Syndrome | Zika virus | CD...
- Search of: Open Studies | "Assisted Living Facilit...
- Certain Parents More Likely to Skip Kids' Flu Shot...
- U.S. Smoking Rates Differ by County, Not Just Stat...
- Is Web-Based Test for Prediabetes Faulty?: Medline...
- Some Increased Bleeding Risk Seen With Blood Thinn...