lunes, 25 de julio de 2016

Parents and Kids Prepare for Emergencies Together | Public Health Matters Blog | Blogs | CDC

Parents and Kids Prepare for Emergencies Together | Public Health Matters Blog | Blogs | CDC

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting People

Parents and Kids Prepare for Emergencies Together

Posted on  by Blog Administrator

Kids on a camping trip

School is out, and summer is a time for hanging out with family and friends, taking vacations and going away to camp. It is also the season for disasters liketornadoeshurricanes and wildfires.

Include your children in planning and preparing for emergencies to help keep them safe.

  1. Watch the Ice Age: Collision course preparedness video with your child. Talk to them about what they learned about preparing for an emergency and ask if they have any questions.
  1. Discuss the types of disasters that can happen where you live, go to school and play. Explain how it may be hard to reach family and friends when a disaster strikes – the power may be out and cell phone towers can be down. It is important to have a plan to reunite with the people you love during an emergency.
  1. Help your child choose three emergency contacts that their camp counselor, teacher or caregiver can reach out to during an emergency. Help them practice learning the phone numbers for these three people.
Remember: A friend or relative who does not live in your town may be easier to reach during an emergency because local power and phone services may be disrupted.
  1. Make ICE (in case of emergency) cards Enter your child’s three emergency contacts and their medical information. Personalize the ICE card with a photo and print them at home.
  1. Help your child identify a bag, wallet or other place where they will keep their ICE card. Make sure it is in a place they will remember and easy for them to find.

More resources to prepare for emergencies with your children:

Posted on  by Blog Administrator


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