MMWR- Morbidity and Mortality
MMWR News Synopsis for May 12, 2016
Identification and Clinical Management of Persons with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection —Cherokee Nation, 2012–2015
With the appropriate resources and interventions, hepatitis C can be detected, treated, and cured by primary care providers in an American Indian community. This report describes the actions taken in an American Indian health system to improve detection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and expand access to care and treatment. Detection was accomplished by implementing a screening policy, an HCV electronic health record reminder, and enhanced health care worker education. As a result, HCV screening rates increased fivefold during the evaluation period. Access to care and treatment was improved by implementing the extended community health outcomes (ECHO) telehealth system to train primary care providers in the treatment of HCV infections. During the evaluation period, more than 50 percent of patients confirmed to have active HCV infection received treatment. Almost 90 percent of those who completed treatment were cured.
Birth Cohort Testing for Hepatitis C Virus — Indian Health Service 2012–2015
The Indian Health Service (IHS) succeeded in increasing HCV screening in its health network of mainly remote, rural health care clinics in 35 states. The Indian Health Service has greatly increased screening for Hepatitis C virus (HCV) according to national recommendations. IHS screening of people born 1945-1965 has increased fourfold since CDC issued the screening recommendation in 2012. While screening is a critical first step, IHS is also working to increase access to treatment, as American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) have the highest mortality rate from HCV of any other race/ethnicity.
Progress toward Polio Eradication – Worldwide, 2015-2016
The world is closer than ever to the eradication of polio. Interruption of wild poliovirus transmission must focus on reaching and vaccinating every missed child through high-quality supplementary immunization activities and cross-border coordination between Afghanistan and Pakistan. In 2015, 74 wild poliovirus (WPV) cases were reported in Afghanistan and Pakistan, a decrease of 79 percent from the 359 WPV cases reported in 2014 in nine countries. Twelve WPV cases have been reported in 2016. Paralytic polio caused by circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV) remains a risk in areas with low oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) coverage. Seven countries reported 32 cVDPV cases in 2015. One country (Lao People’s Democratic Republic) has reported three additional cVDPV cases in 2016. In April 2016, 154 out of 155 countries and territories have discontinued use of type 2 Sabin vaccine by simultaneously switching from trivalent OPV (containing types 1, 2, and 3) to bivalent OPV (containing types 1 and 3) for routine and supplementary immunization to limit cVDPV cases.
Notes from the Field:
- Probable Mucormycosis Among Adult Solid Organ Transplant Recipients at an Acute Care Hospital — Pennsylvania, 2014–2015
- Percentage of U.S. Adults Who Met the 2008 Federal Physical Activity Guidelines for Aerobic and Strengthening Activity, by Sex — National Health Interview Survey, 2000–2014
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