Epigenetics: Recent Insights - June 2, 2015
Human body epigenome maps reveal noncanonical DNA methylation variation.
Schultz MD et al. Nature2015 Jun 1.
Schultz MD et al. Nature2015 Jun 1.
Epigenomes as therapeutic targets.
Hamm CA et al. Pharmacol. Ther. 2015 Mar 20.
Hamm CA et al. Pharmacol. Ther. 2015 Mar 20.
The developmental environment, epigenetic biomarkers and long-term health.
Godfrey KM et al. J Dev Orig Health Dis 2015 May 28. 1-8
Godfrey KM et al. J Dev Orig Health Dis 2015 May 28. 1-8
Early gestation as the critical time-window for changes in the prenatal environment to affect the adult human blood methylome
Tobi W et al. Int J Epidemiol, May 5, 2015
Tobi W et al. Int J Epidemiol, May 5, 2015
Effects of increased paternal age on sperm quality, reproductive outcome and associated epigenetic risks to offspring.
Sharma R et al. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 2015 Apr 19. (1) 35
Sharma R et al. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 2015 Apr 19. (1) 35
Evidence from clinical and animal model studies of the long-term and transgenerational impact of stress on DNA methylation.
Blaze J et al. Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 2015 Apr 23.
Blaze J et al. Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 2015 Apr 23.
DNA methylation and healthy human aging.
Jones M J et al. Aging Cell 2015 Apr 25.
Jones M J et al. Aging Cell 2015 Apr 25.
Could targeting epigenetic processes relieve chronic pain states?
Géranton SM et al. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 2015 Jun (2) 138-46
Géranton SM et al. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 2015 Jun (2) 138-46
Longevity and compression of morbidity from a neuroscience perspective: Do we have a duty to die by a certain age?
Faria MA et al. Surg Neurol Int 2015 49
Faria MA et al. Surg Neurol Int 2015 49
Longevity: epigenetic and biomolecular aspects.
Taormina G et al. Biomol Concepts 2015 Apr 17.
Taormina G et al. Biomol Concepts 2015 Apr 17.
The potential use of DNA methylation biomarkers to identify risk and progression of type 2 diabetes.
Gillberg L et al. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2015 43
Gillberg L et al. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2015 43
Stress in utero: prenatal programming of brain plasticity and cognition.
Bock J et al. Biol. Psychiatry 2015 Mar 6.
Bock J et al. Biol. Psychiatry 2015 Mar 6.
Maternal diet as a modifier of offspring epigenetics.
Lillycrop KA et al. J Dev Orig Health Dis 2015 Apr (2) 88-95
Lillycrop KA et al. J Dev Orig Health Dis 2015 Apr (2) 88-95
Epigenetics of the failing heart.
Marín-García J et al. Heart Fail Rev 2015 Apr 7.
Marín-García J et al. Heart Fail Rev 2015 Apr 7.
DNA methylation in memory formation: Emerging insights.
Heyward FD et al. Neuroscientist 2015 Apr 1.
Heyward FD et al. Neuroscientist 2015 Apr 1.
Exercise and inflammation-related epigenetic modifications: focus on DNA methylation.
Horsburgh S et al. Exerc Immunol Rev 2015 26-41
Horsburgh S et al. Exerc Immunol Rev 2015 26-41
Life-course socioeconomic status and DNA methylation of genes regulating inflammation
Silvia S et al. Int Journal Epidemiology, April 17, 2015
Silvia S et al. Int Journal Epidemiology, April 17, 2015
More on Epigenetics - March 11, 2015
Bringing epigenetics to the clinic,
by Sam Rose, Biomed Central, Mar 11
Epigenetic signatures of obesity.
Ozanne Susan E et al. N. Engl. J. Med. 2015 Mar 5. (10) 973-4
Ozanne Susan E et al. N. Engl. J. Med. 2015 Mar 5. (10) 973-4
Fat? Sick? Blame your grandparents' bad habits,
by Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans, Wired Blog Post, Mar 3
Advancements in the delivery of epigenetic drugs.
Cramer Samantha A et al. Expert Opin Drug Deliv 2015 Mar 5. 1-12
Cramer Samantha A et al. Expert Opin Drug Deliv 2015 Mar 5. 1-12
Targeted DNA methylation analysis by next-generation sequencing.
Masser Dustin R et al. J Vis Exp 2015 (96)
Masser Dustin R et al. J Vis Exp 2015 (96)
Genome-wide DNA methylome analysis reveals epigenetically dysregulated non-coding RNAs in human breast cancer.
Li Yongsheng et al. Sci Rep 2015 8790
Li Yongsheng et al. Sci Rep 2015 8790
Epigenetics in atherosclerosis: a clinical perspective.
Zhang Bi-Kui et al. Discov Med 2015 Feb (103) 73-80
Zhang Bi-Kui et al. Discov Med 2015 Feb (103) 73-80
Characterising the epigenome as a key component of the fetal exposome in evaluating in utero exposures and childhood cancer risk.
Ghantous Akram et al. Mutagenesis 2015 Feb 26.
Ghantous Akram et al. Mutagenesis 2015 Feb 26.
Epigenetics and depressive disorders: a review of current progress and future directions.
Januar Vania et al. Int J Epidemiol 2015 Feb 24.
Januar Vania et al. Int J Epidemiol 2015 Feb 24.
Implications of Epigenetics and Stress Regulation on Research and Developmental Care of Preterm Infants.
Montirosso Rosario et al. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2015 Feb 24.
Montirosso Rosario et al. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2015 Feb 24.
Epigenetics for anthropologists: An introduction to methods.
Non Amy et al. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 2015 Feb 24.
Non Amy et al. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 2015 Feb 24.
Beyond the Genome: Advances in Epigenomics - February 18, 2015
Beyond the genome
Nature Editorial, February 18, 2015
Studies of the epigenomic signatures of many healthy and diseased human tissues could provide crucial information to link genetic variation and disease.
Nature Editorial, February 18, 2015
Studies of the epigenomic signatures of many healthy and diseased human tissues could provide crucial information to link genetic variation and disease.
Presenting the Epigenome Roadmap
Nature 518, 313 (19 February 2015)
Nature 518, 313 (19 February 2015)
Welcome to the Epigenome Roadmap
Nature, February 2015
Nature, February 2015
Epigenomics: Roadmap for regulation
C Romanoski et al. Nature 518, 314?316 (19 February 2015)
C Romanoski et al. Nature 518, 314?316 (19 February 2015)
Interpreting variation: GWAS, cancer, genotype, evolution and allelic
Nature 18 February 2015
Nature 18 February 2015
Epigenomic annotation of genetic variants using the Roadmap Epigenome Browser
X Zhou et al. Nature Biotechnology, February 2015
X Zhou et al. Nature Biotechnology, February 2015
Scientists just made the first map of the human epigenome. Here's why that's awesome,
by Rachel Feltman, the Washington Post, Feb 18
Huge epigenomic map examines life's impact on our genes,
by Catherine Brahic, New Scientist, Feb 18
Epigenome: The symphony in your cells,
Nature Podcast Video, February 2015
The Epigenetic Clock and Health: Hope and Hype - February 9, 2015
DNA methylation age of blood predicts all-cause mortality in later life.
Riccardo E Marioni et al. Genome Biology, January 30, 2015
Riccardo E Marioni et al. Genome Biology, January 30, 2015
DNA methylation predicts death,
by Kristie Nybo, Biotechniques, Feb 3
Newly discovered DNA clock runs too fast - scientific evidence can hardly keep up,
by Cecile Janssens, Huffington Post, Feb 5
Google Calendar gives count-down remaining life expectancy based on DNA methylation
, by Cecile Janssens , Blog Post, Jan 31
How does the body know how old it is? Introducing the epigenetic clock hypothesis.
Mitteldorf J. Interdiscip Top Gerontol. 2015;40:49-62.
Mitteldorf J. Interdiscip Top Gerontol. 2015;40:49-62.
Biomarkers and ageing: The clock-watcher.
Gibbs WW. Nature. 2014 Apr 10;508(7495):168-70
Gibbs WW. Nature. 2014 Apr 10;508(7495):168-70
The epigenetic clock is correlated with physical and cognitive fitness in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936.
Marioni RE, et al. Int J Epidemiol. 2015 Jan 22
Marioni RE, et al. Int J Epidemiol. 2015 Jan 22
Circadian clocks, epigenetics, and cancer.
Masri S, et al. Curr Opin Oncol. 2015 Jan;27(1):50-
Masri S, et al. Curr Opin Oncol. 2015 Jan;27(1):50-
DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types.
Horvath S. Genome Biol. 2013;14(10):R115.
Horvath S. Genome Biol. 2013;14(10):R115.
Is your DNA Clock running fast? You may die sooner than later,
GEN News Highlights, Feb 2
Epigenetics: Linking the Environment to Human Disease - October 9, 2014
New CDC blog post: Epigenetics and public health: Why we should pay attention
Epigenetics/inheritance and the environment. The genome's dynamic response to the environment,
Educational resources from the National Library of Medicine
Diverse epigenetic mechanisms of human disease.
Brookes E, Shi Y. Annu Rev Genet. 2014 Sep 5.
Brookes E, Shi Y. Annu Rev Genet. 2014 Sep 5.
Epigenome: Biosensor of cumulative exposure to chemical and nonchemical stressors related to environmental justice.
Kenneth Olden, et al. Am Journal Public Health, October 2014
Kenneth Olden, et al. Am Journal Public Health, October 2014
Epigenetics: relevance and implications for public health.
Rozek LS, et al. Annu Rev Public Health. 2014;35:105-22
Rozek LS, et al. Annu Rev Public Health. 2014;35:105-22
Epigenetics across the human lifespan
Antonei B. Csoka et al. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. August 2014
Antonei B. Csoka et al. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. August 2014
Epigenetics. Looking beyond our DNA. Horizons in bioscience.
[PDF 10.63 MB]
The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) (2014)
The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) (2014)
Do early paternal exposures to lifestyle factors such as smoking increase the risk of chronic diseases in the offspring?
Adelheid Soubry et al. European Journal Human Genetics, October 8, 2014
Adelheid Soubry et al. European Journal Human Genetics, October 8, 2014
High-resolution digital profiling of the epigenome.
Gabriel E. Zentner et al. Nature Reviews Genetics, 09 October 2014
Gabriel E. Zentner et al. Nature Reviews Genetics, 09 October 2014
Fast facts about epigenetics,
[PDF 537.22 KB]
from the University of Washington in Seattle
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