Pharmacogenomics: Recent Insights - June 24, 2015
Information on Specific Medications and Medical Conditions
Clinical pharmacogenetics implementation consortium (CPIC) guidelines for human leukocyte antigen B (HLA-B) genotype and allopurinol dosing: 2015 update.
Saito Y et al. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 2015 Jun 10.
Saito Y et al. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 2015 Jun 10.
Implementing mass-scale red cell genotyping at a blood center.
Flegel WA et al. Transfusion 2015 Jun 20.
Flegel WA et al. Transfusion 2015 Jun 20.
Pharmacogenomic and pharmacogenetic-guided therapy as a tool in precision medicine: current state and factors impacting acceptance by stakeholders.
Hess GP et al. Genet Res (Camb) 2015 97e13
Hess GP et al. Genet Res (Camb) 2015 97e13
Cost-effectiveness of one-time genetic testing to minimize lifetime adverse drug reactions
Alagoz O et al. The Pharmacogenomics Journal, May 19, 2015
Alagoz O et al. The Pharmacogenomics Journal, May 19, 2015
Development of clinical decision support alerts for pharmacogenomic incidental findings from exome sequencing.
Nishimura AA et al. Genet. Med. 2015 Mar 5.
Nishimura AA et al. Genet. Med. 2015 Mar 5.
Returning pharmacogenetic secondary findings from genome sequencing: let's not put the cart before the horse
Janssens AC, et al. Genetics in Medicine, May 7, 2015
Janssens AC, et al. Genetics in Medicine, May 7, 2015
Evidence required to demonstrate clinical utility of pharmacogenetic testing: The debate continues.
N K Gillis and F Innocenti. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2014); 96 6, 655–657.
N K Gillis and F Innocenti. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2014); 96 6, 655–657.
Useless until proven effective: The clinical utility of preemptive pharmacogenetic testing.
A C J W Janssens and P A Deverka Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2014); 96 6, 652–654.
A C J W Janssens and P A Deverka Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2014); 96 6, 652–654.
Meaningful use of pharmacogenetics.
M J Ratain and J A Johnson Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2014); 96 6, 650–652.
M J Ratain and J A Johnson Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2014); 96 6, 650–652.
Web resources for pharmacogenomics.
Zhang Guoqing et al. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics 2015 Feb 19.
Zhang Guoqing et al. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics 2015 Feb 19.
Nurses' communication of pharmacogenetic test results as part of discharge care.
Haga Susanne B et al. Pharmacogenomics 2015 Mar (3) 251-6
Haga Susanne B et al. Pharmacogenomics 2015 Mar (3) 251-6
Pharmacogenomics in diverse practice settings: implementation beyond major metropolitan areas.
Dorfman Elizabeth H et al. Pharmacogenomics 2015 Mar (3) 227-37
Dorfman Elizabeth H et al. Pharmacogenomics 2015 Mar (3) 227-37
Evidence-based Pharmacogenomic Testing: Where are we? - October 16, 2014
Editorial: A call for accurate pharmacogenetic labeling: Telling it like it is.
Wylie Burke, et al. JAMA Internal Medicine, October 13, 2014
Wylie Burke, et al. JAMA Internal Medicine, October 13, 2014
Clinical evidence supporting pharmacogenomic biomarker testing provided in US Food and Drug Administration drug labels.
Bo Wang, et al. JAMA Internal Medicine, October 13, 2014
Bo Wang, et al. JAMA Internal Medicine, October 13, 2014
CDC paper: Prioritizing genomic applications for action by level of evidence: a horizon-scanning method
Dotson W et al, Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Apr;95(4):394-402.
Dotson W et al, Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Apr;95(4):394-402.
Pharmacogenomics: Gap Between Research and Practice - September 4, 2014
New study reveals pharmacogenomic knowledge gaps among physicians,
PharmGKB blog post, Aug 29
Pharmacogenomic knowledge gaps and educational resource needs among physicians in selected specialties.
Dickinson Barry, et al. Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, July 2014
Dickinson Barry, et al. Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, July 2014
Implementation of personalized medicine services in community pharmacies: need for more education.
Alexander KM, et al. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2014 Aug 22:e326-e333.
CDC paper: Prioritizing genomic applications for action by level of evidence: a horizon-scanning method
. Dotson W et al, Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Apr;95(4):394-402.
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