miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015

For Hearts' Sake: Wear Red Friday!

For Hearts' Sake: Wear Red Friday!

For Hearts' Sake: Wear Red Friday!

National Wear Red Day

Support Women's Heart Health

Women, get your red dress on. Friday is National Wear Red Day, dedicated to raising awareness of heart disease in women.
Heart disease is one area where women and men in the United States are equally affected: It’s the leading cause of death for both genders. But you can change that! By learning the risk factors and makinghealthy lifestyle choices, you can dramatically reduce your risk of developing heart-related problems.
Learn more about fighting heart disease, and don’t forget to have some fun. Check out the Red Dress Collection 2015 fashion show, livestreamed from New York Thursday, February 12, at 8:00 PM Eastern Time.

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