EID Journal Home > Volume 15, Number 12–December 2009
Volume 15, Number 12–December 2009
Sympatry of 2 Hantavirus Strains, Paraguay, 2003–2007
Yong-Kyu Chu, Douglas Goodin, Robert D. Owen,1 David Koch, and Colleen B. Jonsson
Author affilitions: Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, Alabama, USA (Y.-K. Chu, C.B. Jonsson); Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA (D. Goodin, D. Koch); Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA (R.D. Owen); and University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, USA (C.B. Jonsson)
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To explore geographic and host-taxonomic patterns of hantaviruses in Paraguay, we established sampling sites in the Mbaracayú Biosphere Reserve. We detected Jaborá virus and Itapúa37/Juquitiba–related virus in locations ≈20 m apart in different years, which suggested sympatry of 2 distinct hantaviruses.
Hantaviruses are rodent-borne viruses that may cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in humans, although some strains do not cause disease (1,2). In Paraguay in 1995, Laguna Negra virus carried by Calomys laucha (little laucha) caused an outbreak of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in western Paraguay (3).
Figure 1 (please, see the full-text)
Figure 1. Satellite image of collection sites of hantavirus RNA–positive rodents, including selected Juquitiba virus (circles) and Jaborá virus (triangles) samples, Paraguay, 2003–2007...
Figure 2 (please, see the full-text)
Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree based on Bayesian analysis of the small (S) segment of American hantaviruses, Paraguay, 2003–2007...
We have identified 4 additional strains in Paraguay: Alto Paraguay virus harbored by Holochilus chacarius (Chacoan marsh rat) in western Paraguay; and Ape Aime virus (AAIV) harbored by Akodon montensis (Montane akodont), Itapúa virus strain 37 (IPV37) harbored by Oligoryzomys nigripes (black-footed colilargo), and Bermejo virus strain Ñeembucu harbored by O. chacoensis (Chacoan colilargo) in eastern Paraguay (4,5). We have continued our surveillance of hantaviruses in the interior Atlantic forests within and near Reserva Natural del Bosque Mbaracayú (RNBM), a World Biosphere Reserve located within Departamento Canindeyú in eastern Paraguay (Figure 1).
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