viernes, 7 de febrero de 2020

Medical News | Medical Articles | Fetal surgery for spina bifida makes a huge difference 10 years later

Medical News | Medical Articles

News Medical - Medical & Life Sciences
 Children's Health 
 The latest pediatrics news from News Medical 
 Fetal surgery for spina bifida makes a huge difference 10 years laterFetal surgery for spina bifida makes a huge difference 10 years later
A new study published in the journal Pediatrics shows that children with spina bifida, a congenital spinal disorder, who had corrective surgery in the womb, show significantly more benefit than those whose operations were performed after birth, even a decade later. These children have more of a chance to walk by themselves and a lower risk of needing more surgeries, compared to those whose condition is corrected only after birth.
   New clinical guidelines call for psychosocial support for complex ADHD in children, adolescentsNew clinical guidelines call for psychosocial support for complex ADHD in children, adolescents
New clinical guidelines call strongly for providing psychosocial supports for children and adolescents with complex attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
   Something far deadlier than the Wuhan virus lurks near youSomething far deadlier than the Wuhan virus lurks near you
There's a deadly virus spreading from state to state. It preys on the most vulnerable, striking the sick and the old without mercy. In just the past few months, it has claimed the lives of at least 39 children.
 Climate change inflicts catastrophic effects on children’s health
Climate change inflicts catastrophic effects on children’s healthThe grim effects that climate change will have on pediatric health outcomes was the focus of a "Viewpoint" article published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation by Susan E. Pacheco, MD, an expert at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
 One-quarter of hospitalized children are prescribed antibiotics incorrectly
One-quarter of hospitalized children are prescribed antibiotics incorrectlyThe overuse of antibiotics poses an increasing threat to children who develop -- or already have -- drug-resistant infections that are difficult or impossible to treat, and can cause extended hospitalization, disability and even death.
 Epiglottitis linked to teenager's use of e-cigarettes
Epiglottitis linked to teenager's use of e-cigarettesA teenage girl with no hint of prior asthma or respiratory illness began to feel hoarseness in her throat and a feeling that she needed to clear her throat frequently.
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