martes, 7 de enero de 2020

The paradox of CF and exercise - Cystic Fibrosis News Today Forums

The paradox of CF and exercise - Cystic Fibrosis News Today Forums

Cystic Fibrosis News Today Forums

The paradox of CF and exercise

Jan 06, 2020 03:25 am | Jenny Livingston

Replies: 1

The paradox of cystic fibrosis and exercise: the symptoms of this disease can make it incredibly difficult (and sometimes downright painful) to workout, but exercise is known to have significant benefits that reach far beyond better lung function. Regular exercise can also help strengthen bones, manage heart disease and diabetes, and improve mental health.

I’ve fallen off the exercise wagon in recent months, and I’m having a difficult time getting motivated again. I know the benefits, and I know that I feel better when I have an established exercise routine, but I’m in that phase where exercising is exhausting and makes me feel worse rather than better. I’ll eventually get through this, but man… it’s not an easy thing!

How do you get/stay motivated to exercise? What are your favorite types of exercise? 
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