martes, 14 de enero de 2020

Genetic architecture of quantitative traits in beef cattle revealed by genome wide association studies of imputed whole genome sequence variants: II: carcass merit traits | BMC Genomics | Full Text

Genetic architecture of quantitative traits in beef cattle revealed by genome wide association studies of imputed whole genome sequence variants: II: carcass merit traits | BMC Genomics | Full Text

Genome wide association studies (GWAS) were conducted on 7,853,211 imputed whole genome sequence variants in a population of 3354 to 3984 animals from multiple beef cattle breeds for five carcass merit traits ...
Authors:Yining Wang, Feng Zhang, Robert Mukiibi, Liuhong Chen, Michael Vinsky, Graham Plastow, John Basarab, Paul Stothard and Changxi Li
Citation:BMC Genomics 2020 21:38
Content type:Research article
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