martes, 14 de enero de 2020

Changes in life history traits and transcriptional regulation of Coccinellini ladybirds in using alternative prey | BMC Genomics | Full Text

Changes in life history traits and transcriptional regulation of Coccinellini ladybirds in using alternative prey | BMC Genomics | Full Text

Ladybird beetles (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) are highly diverse in their feeding habits. Most of them are specialist feeders, while some can have a broad spectrum of prey. As a representative group of generali...
Authors:Mei-Lan Chen, Yu-Hao Huang, Bo-Yuan Qiu, Pei-Tao Chen, Xue-Yong Du, Hao-Sen Li and Hong Pang
Citation:BMC Genomics 2020 21:44
Content type:Research article
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