jueves, 4 de julio de 2019

New Pew Data on Social Media Platforms | HIV.gov

New Pew Data on Social Media Platforms | HIV.gov

Graph titled, Facebook, YouTube continue to be the most widely used online platforms among U.S. adults. Chart shows YouTube at 73%, Facebook at 69%, Instagram, 37%; Pinterest, 28; LinkedIn, 27; Snapchat, 24; Twitter, 22; WhatsApp, 20; Reddit, 11.

New Pew Data on Social Media Platforms
The share of U.S. adults who say they use certain online platforms or apps is statistically unchanged from where it stood in early 2018, according to a new Pew Research Center survey conducted Jan. 8 to Feb. 7, 2019. Read about social media platform use among U.S. adults to consider what this might mean for your HIV communication approach...

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