CDC’s Latest VetoViolence Enhancements

Check out the latest enhancements to the VetoViolence website!
Since its initial launch in 2009, VetoViolence has continued to evolve through the addition of multiple tools, trainings, and resources. As VetoViolence has expanded, so has its audience. In 2017, CDC examined how user-focused enhancements could improve usability and understanding of what works to prevent violence.
Guided by user input
We gained valuable insight about how to improve our site through a long process of analyzing data from customer satisfaction surveys, interviews with stakeholders, a comprehensive content audit, and key Web metrics.
As a result, we have repackaged VetoViolence’s content in a way that demonstrates the shared connections across violence types and prevention efforts while also showing the relationships between VetoViolence’s existing resources, tools, and trainings.
Available tools and resources
VetoViolence offers various tools, accredited trainings, and resources to support you in creating safer communities for everyone:
- Community HealthSim: Play special advisor to a community in need and explore links between violence and community issues.
- Connecting the Dots: Explore the shared risk and protective factors between types of violence.
- Dating Matters®: Learn about a comprehensive teen dating violence prevention model developed to promote healthy relationship behaviors.
- EvaluACTION: Learn about program evaluation and how to apply it to your violence prevention efforts.
- Making the Case: Engaging the Business Sector: Explore how you can partner with businesses to build safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments.
- Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES): Understand, recognize, and prevent ACEs and their consequences.
- Mental Health Provider Module: ACEs Training Module specifically for professionals providing mental, emotional, and behavioral health services to children and families.
- Training for specific professions will be added soon.
- Principles of Prevention: Learn key concepts of violence prevention, including the public health approach, types of prevention, and the social-ecological model.
- Look for new updates coming soon.
- Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere: Guide your community’s activities to help young people grow up safe and free from violence.
- Understanding Evidence: Apply evidence-based decision-making skills to your violence prevention efforts.
- Violence Prevention in Practice: Build a comprehensive violence prevention plan with strategies and approaches from the Division of Violence Prevention’s technical packages.
Check out VetoViolence today.
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