miércoles, 3 de julio de 2019

Natural treatment for breast cancer: Complementary therapy options

Natural treatment for breast cancer: Complementary therapy options

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Breast Cancer
Which natural treatments can help people with breast cancer?
A number of natural and complementary therapies can help support a person’s mind and body during breast cancer treatment and may also help alleviate medication side effects. However, these therapies cannot replace standard treatment for breast cancer. Learn more here.
Morning people may have lower breast cancer risk
A large study of women found that those with a morning preference were less likely to have or develop breast cancer than those with an evening preference.
Is a diabetes drug the key to aggressive breast cancer?
The blood sugar-lowering drug metformin changes how cancer stem cells use and metabolize energy, making them more vulnerable to a new treatment.
Should I worry about breast calcifications?
Breast calcifications are small deposits of calcium that can appear in the breast tissue. These are visible on mammograms and most are typically benign. Some forms, however, may indicate a form of cancer. Learn more about why they form and what happens if they appear on an X-ray.

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