miércoles, 3 de julio de 2019

Manganese: Health benefits and side effects

Manganese: Health benefits and side effects

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Bones / Orthopedics
What are the benefits and effects of manganese?
Manganese is a trace mineral that contributes to several bodily functions. Most people can get adequate amounts of manganese from their diet. Learn more about its effects, benefits, and sources here.
What are the health benefits of phosphorus?
Phosphorus is a mineral that is essential for human health. It is available in a wide variety of foods, including meat, fish, dairy, and some vegetables. Learn more about its benefits here.
Osteoporosis: Investigating the role of a common antibacterial chemical
A new study asks if triclosan, a chemical in many products, may increase osteoporosis risk. The results are not clear-cut, but it may affect bone health.

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