miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018

Health News and Information - News Medical || Pulmonology - Jan 24, 2018 Edition

Health News and Information - News Medical

 January 24, 2018 
 The latest pulmonology news from News Medical 
 Telemedicine support and school-based care reduce ER visits in half for children with asthmaTelemedicine support and school-based care reduce ER visits in half for children with asthma
Children with asthma in the Rochester City School District who received a combination of telemedicine support and school-based medication therapy were almost half as likely to need an emergency room or hospital visit for their asthma, according to new research from the University of Rochester Medical Center.
 Scientists find how potential new eczema treatment could also alleviate asthmaScientists find how potential new eczema treatment could also alleviate asthma
Scientists from VIB-UGent have discovered insights for a possible new therapy for eczema that also reduces the severity of asthma
   Study offers way to predict onset of lung disease in children with cystic fibrosisStudy offers way to predict onset of lung disease in children with cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis (CF) shortens life by making the lungs prone to repeated bacterial infections and associated inflammation.
   Experts issue updated guidelines for molecular diagnostic testing of patients with lung cancerExperts issue updated guidelines for molecular diagnostic testing of patients with lung cancer
A panel of leading experts in molecular pathology has issued new recommendations and updates to guidelines for molecular diagnostic testing of patients with lung cancer.
   Passive Smoking Risks to ChildrenPassive Smoking Risks to Children
Passive smoking or involuntary smoking refers to the unconscious inhalation of smoke that emerges as a result of others burning cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. This inhaled smoke is also termed as known as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) or second-hand smoke (SHS). Mostly children are affected by passive smoking at a higher rate than adults.
 Chemoradiation improves overall survival in elderly stage III NSCLC patients
Chemoradiation improves overall survival in elderly stage III NSCLC patientsElderly patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer showed improved overall survival when treated with chemoradiation compared to definitive radiation alone.
 RAS dimers essential for causing cancer, study shows
RAS dimers essential for causing cancer, study showsMutated RAS genes are some of the most common genetic drivers of cancer, especially in aggressive cancers like pancreatic and lung cancer, but no medicines that target RAS are available despite decades of effort.
 Enzyme discovery provides new horizon of therapeutic opportunities across disease spectrum
Enzyme discovery provides new horizon of therapeutic opportunities across disease spectrumDoctors have long treated heart attacks, improved asthma symptoms, and cured impotence by increasing levels of a single molecule in the body: nitric oxide.
 Smoking and Breastfeeding
Smoking and BreastfeedingFemale smokers usually show less interest in breastfeeding as they believe that formula food is a safer alternative. Infants born to women smokers have shown to be prone to lung infections, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), and asthma.
 Smoking and Pregnancy
Smoking and PregnancySmoking during pregnancy causes serious health problems to both mother and child. A single cigarette contains about 4,000 chemicals, of which 70 have enough potential to cause cancer.
 New biodegradable pressure sensor could help monitor serious health conditions
New biodegradable pressure sensor could help monitor serious health conditionsUConn engineers have created a biodegradable pressure sensor that could help doctors monitor chronic lung disease, swelling of the brain, and other medical conditions before dissolving harmlessly in a patient's body.
 Past exposures influence immune response in children with acute respiratory tract infections
Past exposures influence immune response in children with acute respiratory tract infectionsAcute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) are the leading global cause of death in early childhood, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
 WSU researchers to test novel sleep measurement technology in insomniacs
WSU researchers to test novel sleep measurement technology in insomniacsIf you spend your nights staring at the bedroom ceiling, you're not alone. About a quarter of U.S. adults suffer from insomnia, which significantly impacts their quality of life.
 Scientists introduce air-filled microbubbles as intravenous oxygen carriers
Scientists introduce air-filled microbubbles as intravenous oxygen carriersSevere oxygen deficiency eventually leads to cardiac arrest. If the blood’s oxygen content cannot be rapidly re-established, the patient may die within minutes. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, American scientists have introduced air-filled microbubbles that could be used as an intravenous oxygen carrier to increase the survival rate of such patients. Because they rapidly dissolve in blood, the risk of embolism is minimal.
 Harm minimization approach for smoking cessation with e-cigarettes
Harm minimization approach for smoking cessation with e-cigarettesQuitting smoking is among the top New Year's resolutions, but is notoriously difficult to do and often requires multiple attempts and strategies.

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