jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

Highlights from infectious disease genomics: read our special collection

Genome Medicine
Impact Factor: 7.07*
Chief Editor: Christopher Morrey
Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to share with you Highlights from infectious disease genomics, a special collection showcasing Genome Medicine publications that have made exciting contributions to the field in recent years.

The collection features articles covering next-generation sequencing approaches to understanding pathogen biology, diagnostics and treatment strategies, as well as host-pathogen interactions and immune response. Check out the full collection, including research articles by Taane Clark and Sharon J Peacockhere.

We also hope to see you at the Cell Symposia on Human Immunity in Banff, Canada (October 22-24) – Associate Editor Julia Simundza will be attending!

Featured Articles

Statistical inference of a convergent antibody repertoire response to influenza vaccine
Statistical inference of a convergent antibody repertoire response to influenza vaccine 
Nicolas B. Strauli and Ryan D. Hernandez

Reasons to Publish with Us
Impact factor of 7.07 places Genome Medicine in the top 15 of all Genetics & Heredity journals, and the second highest open access genomics journal
Professional, responsive editors ensure fast peer review with a median of 30 days
Reach an international genomic and clinical medicine audience
Sister journal to Genome Biology

Best wishes,

The Genome Medicine Team
*The Impact Factor (IF) is just one measure used for evaluating the impact of research. For further information on the IF and alternative metrics used to measure the impact of research, please click herek here.

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