lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Meditation | Marijuana extracts | Food choices | Kidney 101 | Screening tests

Meditation | Marijuana extracts | Food choices | Kidney 101 | Screening tests

NIH logo: National Institutes of Health, Turning Discovery Into Health

What Science Says About Meditation 

A group of people meditating together.

Are you considering meditation to ease anxiety, reduce blood pressure, or cope with other health problems? Get the scoop on whether research shows meditation may help. (From NIH’s NCCIH) 

Marijuana as Medicine?

Pill bottle caps that say "Sealed for your protection".

The marijuana plant contains chemicals that may help treat symptoms of certain illnesses. However, the Food and Drug Administration has not approved the plant itself as medicine. (From NIH’s NIDA)

Healthy Food Choice Research

A young woman at the store looking at apples.

A recent study linked consumption of certain foods and nutrients with a lower risk of death from heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. (From NIH Research Matters)

Kidney 101

An illustration of the human kidneys.

Learn how your kidneys work and why they’re so important. Watch videos and test your knowledge with quizzes. (From NIH’s NIHSeniorHealth) 

When Is a Screening Test Worthwhile?

A nurse performing a mammogram on a woman.

Screening tests detect conditions before you have symptoms. How do you and your health care provider choose which tests are right for you? (From NIH News in Health) 

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