viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

Molecular Cancer | Call for papers: Cancer stem cells

Molecular Cancer | Call for papers: Cancer stem cells

Biomed Central

Molecular Cancer

Call for papers: Cancer stem cells

Series Editor: Christophe Nicot (The University of Kansas Medical Center)
Molecular Cancer is accepting manuscript submissions to be considered for publication in a thematic series on Cancer Stem Cells (CSC). Edited by Christophe Nicot (The University of Kansas Medical Center), the collection will accept original Research Articles, Short Communications, Clinical Studies and Reviews.
The series will cover all recent advances in Cancer Stem Cell research, including (but not limited to) the role of the microenvironment, differentiation and self-renewal properties of CSC, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, reprogramming through genetic and epigenetic alterations, signaling pathways altered in CSC, drug resistance and therapeutic approaches to eliminate CSC.
The deadline for all submissions is October 25th 2016. To submit your manuscript, please use our online submission system available here, include a cover letter describing the significance of the manuscript, names of potential reviewers, and that you would like the manuscript to be considered for the ‘Cancer Stem Cell’ thematic series. 

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