martes, 14 de marzo de 2017

#1 Daily Dose of Patient Safety: Empower Yourself and Speak Up

#1 Daily Dose of Patient Safety: Empower Yourself and Speak Up

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MHS Patient Safety Professionals:

Welcome to Patient Safety Awareness Week 2017!

Each morning this week, the DoD PSP will share simple tips, tools and tactics to help health care professionals and patients alike to be “United for Patient Safety.”

Today’s topic is empowering yourself. Regardless of role or title, everyone has a responsibility in keeping patient’s safe and free from harm. You are empowered to speak-up if you have a concern.

For Patients:
Everyone wants help with their health information. You are not alone if you find things confusing at times. Asking questions helps you understand how to get better and stay well. AskMe3® is a simple program to promote communication between health care providers and patients. Patients should ask their provider/care team three questions:
--What is my main problem?
--What do I need to do?
--Why is it important for me to do this?

If you still don’t understand, don’t worry. Let your provider/care team know, and ask them to explain it again. This will leave you better informed, and therefore, better equipped to address any treatment plan they provide. Visit our materials page for a print version of the AskMe3 reference poster: 

For Providers:

TeamSTEPPS is a teamwork system that empowers health care professionals to provide higher quality and safer patient care. CUS is one TeamSTEPPS tool health care professionals can use to speak up and communicate concerns:

--I am Concerned
--I am Uncomfortable
--This is a Safety Issue

By using CUS, you can raise a concern and stop the line. Information about this tool is available in the TeamSTEPPS Module 6: Mutual Support:

Interested in learning about more TeamSTEPPS®? Go to:

Patient Safety Awareness Week News:
Want to improve your patient safety skillset? Test your patient safety IQ with the Patient Safety Awareness Week Daily Patient Safety quiz question posted at 11 a.m. EDT at
Check out the DoD PSP events calendar at  to find information on webinars and other patient safety activities happening this week.
Do you work in an MTF? Tell us what you’re doing for Patient Safety Awareness Week via

If you have questions, please e-mail us at

Thank you,

DoD Patient Safety Program Team

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