lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015

HCV and Cancers series – Submit your manuscript now!

Infectious Agents and Cancer  Impact Factor 
Editors-in-Chief: Franco M Buonaguro and Sam M Mbulaiteye
Submit a manuscriptEditorial BoardAuthor InstructionsArticle Alerts
We wanted to let you know about some new articles published in Infectious Agents and Cancer, a new thematic series on HCV and Cancers which is now accepting submissions, and invite you to submit your next article to the journal.
Answering human papillomavirus vaccine concerns; a matter of science and timeReview 
Answering human papillomavirus vaccine concerns; a matter of science and time
David Hawkes, Candice E Lea, Matthew J Berryman
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
Answering human papillomavirus vaccine concerns; a matter of science and time
Escherichia coli-derived outer membrane vesicles are genotoxic to human enterocyte-like cellsResearch 
Escherichia coli-derived outer membrane vesicles are genotoxic to human enterocyte-like cells 
Peter C Tyrer, Frank A Frizelle, Jacqueline I Keenan
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
Viral non-coding RNA inhibits HNF4α expression in HCV associated hepatocellular carcinomaResearch
Viral non-coding RNA inhibits HNF4α expression in HCV associated hepatocellular carcinoma
Zhao Wang, Kristin Ceniccola, Liliana Florea, Bi-Dar Wang, Norman Lee, Ajit Kumar
Abstract | Full Text | PDF

HCV and Cancers series &#8211 Submit your manuscript now!
Guest edited by Dr Stefano Vella, this new series on HCV and Cancers will address the epidemiology, virology, pathogenesis, and treatment of the Hepatitis C Virus and its related cancers. For more information on the series please visit the journal’s website.HCV and Cancer
Submit your manuscript online, stating in your cover letter that your submission is intended for the HCV and Cancers series. For enquires about the suitability of a study for the series, please contact

About the journal
The open access journal Infectious Agents and Cancer encompasses all aspects of basic, clinical, epidemiological and translational research on the association between chronic infections and cancer. The journal focusses on some of the most significant cancer-causing pathogens, including: Human papillomavirus, Epstein Barr Virus, and Human Herpesvirus-8.
We encourage submissions related to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and palliative care of these pathogen-related cancers in low&#8212and middle&#8212income countries.
Why publish with us?
-Only journal with an Impact Factor that focuses on the association between chronic infections and cancer
-Global journal with an international authorship, readership and expert Editorial Board
-High citation index to be a leading scientist in your field
-High access index to be an influential leader in your community 
100% of authors surveyed in 2014 would recommend the journal to a colleague
Keep up-to-date – register to get the latest articles delivered straight to your inbox.
Best wishes,
Franco M Buonaguro and Sam M Mbulaiteye
Editors-in-Chief, Infectious Agents and Cancer
ISRCTN Registry

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