sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2015

Errata: Vol. 61, No. 9

Errata: Vol. 61, No. 9

MMWR Weekly
Vol. 64, No. 35
September 11, 2015
PDF of this issue

Errata: Vol. 61, No. 9


September 11, 2015 / 64(35);988

In the report, "Vital Signs: Preventing Clostridium difficile Infections," published in 2012, several errors occurred in the text and in a figure title and alternate text. A Notice to Readers about this report has been published in this issue of MMWR.
On page 157, the second sentence of the first paragraph of the "Methods" section should read, "CDC's Emerging Infections Program conducted active, population-based surveillance for CDIs from eight diverse geographic areas in 2010 (5); data from seven of these areas were included in the analysis."
On page 158, the first paragraph of the "Results" section should read, "The Emerging Infections Program population under surveillance in seven sites included persons in the catchment areas of 110 acute-care hospitals and 309 nursing homes. A total of 10,285 CDIs were identified; 44% of patients were aged <65 years. CDIs were classified by inpatient or outpatient status at time of stool collection and type/location of exposures (Figure 1). Overall, 94% of all CDIs were related to various precedent and concurrent health-care exposures; of these, 75% had their onset outside of hospitals. In addition, some cases occurred in patients who were exposed to multiple settings. For example, 21% of hospital-onset CDIs occurred in recent (i.e., <12 weeks) residents of a nursing home, and68% of nursing home–onset CDI cases occurred in patients recently discharged from an acute-care hospital."
On page 159, the title for Figure 1 should read, "Percentage of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) cases (N = 10,285), by inpatient or outpatient status at time of stool collection and type/location of exposures* — United States, Emerging Infections Program, 2010."
The alternate text for Figure 1, which is posted online, should read, "The figure above shows the percentage of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) cases (N = 10,285), by inpatient or outpatient status at time of stool collection and type/location of exposures, in the United States during 2010, based on data from the Emerging Infections Program. Data from seven sites are shown. The population under surveillance included persons in the catchment areas of 110 acute-care hospitals and 309 nursing homes. A total of 10,285 CDIs were identified. CDIs were classified by inpatient or outpatient status at time of stool collection and type/location of exposures. Overall, 94% of all CDIs were related to various antecedent and concurrent health-care exposures; of these, 75% had their onset outside of hospitals. In addition, some cases occurred in patients who were exposed to multiple settings. For example, 21% of hospital-onset CDIs occurred in recent (i.e., <12 weeks) residents of a nursing home, and 68% of nursing home-onset CDI cases occurred in patients recently discharged from an acute-care hospital."

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